I think a real, heart-felt thanks should go to Apolyton and all of it's staff!
It is an incredible privilege that we CIV fans have a resource like Apolyton. To be able to converse on this forum in such an open manner, with so many fellow CIV fans, and the way the staff keeps things in order and us informed is fantastic. We are all truly lucky to be blessed with this site. Without it, I'm sure CIV3 would never be what it is today. Positive or negative, it allowed us to voice our opinions, give feedback to Firaxis about what worked in previous products and what didn't, and most of all, it allowed all CIV fans around the world come together as a community.
We fans and Firaxis alike owe a tremendous amount of gratitude to Apolyton and to its volunteer staff.
It is an incredible privilege that we CIV fans have a resource like Apolyton. To be able to converse on this forum in such an open manner, with so many fellow CIV fans, and the way the staff keeps things in order and us informed is fantastic. We are all truly lucky to be blessed with this site. Without it, I'm sure CIV3 would never be what it is today. Positive or negative, it allowed us to voice our opinions, give feedback to Firaxis about what worked in previous products and what didn't, and most of all, it allowed all CIV fans around the world come together as a community.
We fans and Firaxis alike owe a tremendous amount of gratitude to Apolyton and to its volunteer staff.