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Plans for organized expansion pack wishlist after release. (PLEASE READ)

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  • #16
    ok korn, everything, agreed. I will start the thread whenever the 'i got civ3!' threads start to dies down, and people start to come to the forums for real, between a week-2 weeks after release. I will probly take all of your rules, maybe add a few, changea a couple, but thanks for the suggestions!

    cassembler, i plan on actually having not so many point alloctable either 5 or 10 so each option you vote for actualyl MEANS something to you instead of having one or two that you care about and then 20 others that mean ****. That was one of the problems with Locutus' poll.
    And God said "let there be light." And there was dark. And God said "Damn, I hate it when that happens." - Admiral


    • #17

      the reason their should only be one negative point is because if any of the ideas get in the game then it is a victory for the fans, however there have been a few of the ideas that have been real lightning rods, with some people loving those ideas more than anything, and others absolutely hating them, so it would be nice to have an opertunity to show a thumbs down for an idea without sparking a war that would lead to hurt feelings, plus the one persons disapproval shouldn't be able to cancle out an idea


      i will help you in this as much as i can, no one person can do this alone, remember this about about building community and generating lively discussion about each idea presented...if the idea doesn't change any from when it gets presented then something has went wrong in the process

      also about the numbers of votes each person can allocate, you need to realize that their is a problem with having too few votes, the problem is this

      lets say i absolutely love one idea, think two others are great and then i like four other ideas, if i only had five or ten points it would be hard to represent that i liked one idea better than the others but still think that they should get in

      in my opinion 10 votes is the fewest possible that could give a person the flexability to represent their feelings, and then it is probably too low, 15 or 20 are better, 25 being the highest number i would consider, though i do agree that 160 points is too many

      a few other things you should be aware of

      *first you need to let people know that you are doing this
      *state all rules up front and make them as clear as possible
      *all dates should also be stated when you begin
      *try to stick to the schedule unless something unexpected comes up
      *be fair and impartial at all times
      *encourage discussion at all times
      *expect for things to go wrong
      *if you must change rules do it openly and inform people about it

      that is about all of the advice i can give

