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MP - now or later?

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  • MP - now or later?

    The definitive poll for all these people who like to argue on this topic!
    Never! - I hate multiplayer!
    Later! - I want SP now and I'm happy to wait for MP later.
    Now! - I want MP, even if it means delaying the game for a few months.
    MP or nothing! - I wont buy the game until MP is supported!

  • #2
    I have confidence that Firaxis will include MP in the original package, so none of these choices apply.
    "Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!" -- Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
    "If you expect a kick in the balls and get a slap in the face, that's a victory." -- Irish proverb

    Proud member of the Pink Knights of the Roundtable!


    • #3
      I don't really mind, since I don't use MP that much. So I can wait. (Given the school schedule I have, it's probably just as well-- I'm in classes until 6 pm on weekdays )

      However, if I had the time, then yes, I'd want MP earlier.
      oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


      • #4
        Well, its not like many people are gonna play multiplayer right out of the box. Most people will first experiment and learn the game in SP. So multiplayer can lag behind a few months without any real problems.


        • #5
          I can just see multiplayer right out of the box now:

          "I am going to KICK YOUR ASS! What's this button do? Hey, I didn't know you could do that; NO FAIR!"
          "Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!" -- Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
          "If you expect a kick in the balls and get a slap in the face, that's a victory." -- Irish proverb

          Proud member of the Pink Knights of the Roundtable!


          • #6
            I could care less about MP BUT like I said in a post in another thread I think that this no MP is just a rumor started by Firaxis. I'm certain MP will be in.
            "To live again, to be.........again" Captain Kirk in some Star Trek Episode. (The one with the bad guy named Henok)
            "One day you may have to think for yourself and heaven help us all when that time comes" Some condescending jerk.


            • #7

              I think MP is going to be delayed, but I can't say that holding the release date until MP is ready is going to make anyone happier.

              If you absolutely have to have MP with CivIII, then just wait until its ready to make your purchase.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Anunikoba
                I can't say that holding the release date until MP is ready is going to make anyone happier.
                Why not? It gives Firaxis a chance to better develop it.
                "Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!" -- Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
                "If you expect a kick in the balls and get a slap in the face, that's a victory." -- Irish proverb

                Proud member of the Pink Knights of the Roundtable!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Akron
                  Well, its not like many people are gonna play multiplayer right out of the box. Most people will first experiment and learn the game in SP. So multiplayer can lag behind a few months without any real problems.
                  Actually I know of games between people that have already been arranged to play CIV3 MP when it comes out. I think you underestimated the amount of people that play MP. Have a look at the SMAC or CIV2 MP forums to see how many people play and the strength of the community.
                  'No room for human error, and really it's thousands of times safer than letting drivers do it. But the one in ten million has come up once again, and the the cause of the accident is sits, something in the silicon.' - The Gold Coast - Kim Stanley Robinson

                  'Feels just like I can take a thousand miles in my stride hey yey' - Oh, Baby - Rhianna


                  • #10
                    I want my MP!

                    no MP = no civ3
                    Pool Manager - Lombardi Handicappers League - An NFL Pick 'Em Pool



                    • #11
                      SITS, I think you underestimate the number of CIVers that never play MP.

                      There are a lot, and these same people don't even come to Apolyton. And to be honest, there are more SP only players than SP/MP players.


                      • #12
                        Re: MP - now or later?

                        Originally posted by fanatic civver
                        The definitive poll for all these people who like to argue on this topic!
                        It's one's duty to vote!

                        You left out one terrifying option: Buy SP now then pay for MP later. But nobody in their right mind will ever vote for that.

                        MP is vital, and it must be done right. So I'd rather occupy myself killing the AI for a while, and wait for a killer MP in the spring.

                        "War: A by-product of the arts of peace." Bierce


                        • #13
                          Re: Re: MP - now or later?

                          Originally posted by Crouchback
                          MP is vital, and it must be done right. So I'd rather occupy myself killing the AI for a while, and wait for a killer MP in the spring.


                          That is why I am willing to wait for MP- it will be better because of the extra development time. And why should we then also wait for SP if it is already done?


                          • #14
                            I've never played Civ MP before and I never will, so I voted for the first option although I can't say I hate MP...
                            In een hoerekotje aan den overkant emmekik mijn bloem verloren,
                            In een hoerekotje aan den overkant bennekik mijn bloemeke kwijt


                            • #15
                              I'd like to have MP included right from the begining,
                              but it's fine for me if they provide us with MP later
                              in a free update or in the expansion pack.
                              Of course the best solution would be that MP
                              is be included in Civ III 1.0, but if they haven't
                              got it working properly, then I'll wait too.
                              "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver

