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Size of civs

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  • #16
    Re: Re: Re: yes indeed

    Originally posted by Sirotnikov

    You mean this is NOT a proper way to play Civ?

    I should have known better than cheating and looking at the computer do his stuff in chieftain and copying that...

    Actually, many times I set no human player and barbarian map and just held down enter.

    Then, every so often, I monitored the ai's progress. It was sorta interesting. At the end, I got a pretty cool scenario sometimes, but usually when I took over even the weakest civ, it had too many units for my liking.

    Too bad, there won't be a cool cheat menu like this in civ 3.

    Running a large empire in civ 3 will definitely be much less tedious than in civ 2. Having queues and loadable queues also helps this. If there is a decent worker automation function (especially one you can alter to your liking), then it will be a big plus against micromanagement.

