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Take the Locutus Challenge

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  • Take the Locutus Challenge

    In another thread, Dan from Firaxis said about the manual for Civ3:
    Just flipped through it, it weighs in at 235 pages, and is just over 13 ounces.
    My theory is that he was refering to this. (Note the similar number of pages . . .) So that all of the people who strangely insist on a big, beefy manual will be either buying the Limited Edition or ponying up $13.99 extra for their dream manual. I'm not necessarily slamming Firaxis, might just be Infogrames's call. Whatever.

    Fact is, I think the regular edition will include a skimpy manual and a larger .pdf file with more details (but not as large as the strategy guide). The "faithful" insist that they will get their manual in the box with the standard edition.

    I propose we put our money where are mouths are and propose the following gentlemen's wager.

    Locutus has said he will not by Civ3, but thinks it will be fun to play with at least a few times. As I have stated before, if I am wrong about the manual (namely, when I open my Standard Edition box on the release date, the box contains a 235+ page manual) I will buy Locutus a copy of Civ3 and have it shipped to him.

    Here's my challenge to the "Firaxis faithful". If you are convinced that Firaxis (or infogrames, whatever) will include your "beefy manual" in the standard edition, put you money where your mouth is. Agree to buy Locutus a copy of Civ3 and ship it to him if I am right!

    (Of course this is not an actual wager - if anyone really believes in this manual and takes the challenge, Locutus wins either way.)

  • #2
    I'll take up your challenge. For several reasons.

    One, cos Locutus has helped me out with coding in the past and hopefully in the future (CTP2 stacking problem, hint hint ).

    Two, cos your name is a Kinks song, even if not a particularly great one.

    Three, cos dang it, he said the manual was 235 pages!


    • #3
      Two, cos your name is a Kinks song, even if not a particularly great one.
      Weird, I got the name from a The Mission UK song. How did the Kinks song go? Maybe The Mission song was a cover >>shock, gasp<<


      • #4
        How many copies of Civ3 does Locutus need
        Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
        "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


        • #5
          I was hoping one of the Firaxis-can-do-no-wrong crowd would take my challenge. I guess their NOT accepting the challenge proves how little faith they really have!

          (exception: if you don't have the money to buy an extra copy, that's fine. Shouldn't accept a wager you can't cover, even if you are sure.)


          • #6
            Pah, just get every Warlord or greater who ever posted in Civ3 general to send Locutus a dollar
            Then force him to use it to buy a copy of Civ3.
            Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
            "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


            • #7
              Here's part of the song:

              Mister Pleasant,
              How is Mrs. Pleasant?

              People say Mr. Pleasant is good, Mr. Pleasant is fine
              Mr. Pleasant's okay, Mr. Pleasant's alright
              As long as Mr. Pleasant's alright
              Hey hey, how are you today?

              Sound familiar? Its one of those biting social commentary type songs, knocking the complacency of suburban life.


              • #8
                The game-manual and the official strategy guide is two different books. Im 99.99% certain of that. It was so with Civ-2, and it will be so with Civ-3 as well. Firaxis is very well aware of the game piracy-problem. Why should they lower the threshold even further, by offering the original manual as a separate buyable item? The complexity of the game (= requiring that original manual) offers some kind of piracy-prevention in itself. Not bulletproof prevention perhaps, but still...
                Last edited by Ralf; October 5, 2001, 15:44.


                • #9
                  Here's part of the song:

                  Mister Pleasant,
                  How is Mrs. Pleasant?

                  People say Mr. Pleasant is good, Mr. Pleasant is fine
                  Mr. Pleasant's okay, Mr. Pleasant's alright
                  As long as Mr. Pleasant's alright
                  Hey hey, how are you today?

                  Sound familiar? Its one of those biting social commentary type songs, knocking the complacency of suburban life.
                  Same song. Mission UK did it as a ragtime ditty with some heavy electronic effects. Strange . . .


                  • #10
                    Just a bump to remind Harlan to budget an extra $50 plus shipping for October 30.


                    • #11
                      Dan's talking about the game manual (both standard and LE). I'm proofing the strat guide this week, which is roughly 240 pages as well.



                      • #12
                        CivII came with a rather beefy manual, what makes CivIII any different?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS
                          Dan's talking about the game manual (both standard and LE). I'm proofing the strat guide this week, which is roughly 240 pages as well.

                          I think that answers the wager.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS
                            Dan's talking about the game manual (both standard and LE). I'm proofing the strat guide this week, which is roughly 240 pages as well.

                            Thanks for that, Jeff! I still don't understand:

                            1. why anyone thought a manual wouldn't be included in the game and
                            2. why Mr. P is so concerned about whether or not Locutus gets a copy. If he doesn't want it, great - more copies for the rest of us. Then again, Mr. P will be buying him a copy now, won't he?

                            "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
                            "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
                            "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


                            • #15
                              IIRC, I remember that an anyomous site that made a list of Civ2 suggestions got a referance in that manual's designer's notes. Will Apolyton get one for Civ3?
                              *grumbles about work*

