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Question about city borders

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  • Question about city borders


    I woundered if we knew anything about this situation:

    A city is establishing somewhere. After, annother civilisation's city is establishing near it, making common territory to both cities. Is the territory divided between both cities? Is the first city prioritary? Is the first city prioritary only if she's of a certain size?

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  • #2
    I'm not 100% sure, since the addition of borders, but land is taken in a first-come first-served manner.


    • #3
      not sure, but culture will play a big part...


      • #4
        I know that in Civ 2 it was first come first serve. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that in Civ 3 the city with the higher culture wins out and gets the territory. Though I'm not sure.
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        • #5
          I don't think anyone knows this for sure (except Firaxis of course). You may be right about culture, but that might also refer to the defection of small, uncultured cities.


          • #6
            this was answered officially somewhere - (ask the devs ?)

            I remember the answer was: "he who has the superior culture wins". so the city with superior culture (accumulated ? or culture generated ? dunno) gets the squares that overlap.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rakki
              this was answered officially somewhere
              It was? Link! Link!


              • #8
                The higher culture wins. It's in the official FAQ under "Culture and Nationality" (

                "Culture also helps decide border disputes; if two cities are equal distances away from a resource square and that resource could fall inside either city's borders, the city with the higher culture will win out. "
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                "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


                • #9
                  Thanks for the off. info
                  Let us unite together as one nation, a world nation" - Gundam Wing

                  "The God of War will destroy all mortals whom dare stand in his way"


                  • #10
                    first come first server for city radius. you cant buld inside other nat'l boaders. and nat'l boader expands and consumes on expantion of culture. Therefore. it depends on the exact scenerio you have in mind ...i.e.does each city have just city radius? or does one have national boarder too?

