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Why will it take MONTHS for the game to come to Europe?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Deathwalker
    Personally I think the delay is carp The port to Engish is not going to require a major rewrite yet there is a delay. And who's stupid idead was it to release it after christmas in England What type of ****ing date is 28/12. If they had release it at the beginning of december there sales would have been a lot higher in England.
    Woah! 28/12? I hear 30th November. A month is bad, yes, but not awful. There are plenty of games released in the UK that didn't appear in the US for 2/3 months (Hostile Waters/Op: Flashpoint). Releasing Civ on the 28th Dec would be silly, but many games do great sales in January....


    • #17
      I don't have a credit card, so I cannot order the game from the US when it comes out.
      Rome rules


      • #18
        A clickable link to the source of this or that updated info, is always a good idea. Just a hint.


        • #19
          you really should get someone to come to the states and buy it and sell it at cut throat rates.
          "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
          - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


          • #20
            Originally posted by LaRusso
            by the way, is it better to preorder sooner or it does not matter?
            If you want the LE, then sooner. I guess if you don't mind the SE, then it's just a matter of patience...
            To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


            • #21

              dey haf to tranzlete dat gum to yooropeeean!

              dont yooz no nuttin?
              By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Earthling7

                If you want the LE, then sooner. I guess if you don't mind the SE, then it's just a matter of patience...
                Hm I guess LE is too geeky (except for the tech tree) to shed additional bucks. I am highly suspicious that 'Magyar' custom officers will rip me off anyway.
                I have a bus. trip booked for Nov 30 to Baltimore. Unless I soil my pants (read: another major **** happens) I might wait until then and buy it on the spot, playing it all the way (well until batteries last) over the ocean


                • #23
                  Axi, I think is matter of marketing. All companies in computer industry with rare exeptions release their products in their counties first and then to the rest of the world. I guess they expect to see the consumers reactions from the sales and if they decide that there is a success they release it in the other countries and/or can make more precise arrangements with importing companies in those countries if they do not distribute them themselves. Other reasons to might come together but I do not thing that they do not care or don't have the ability to release worldwide if they want to.

                  Besides a pirate copy will always be available for sail 2-3 days after the US release so you can spend a few bucks to have it and after a couple of months or more when the official product will be available to buy it. Or just (pre)order it from the US and pay some extra money.

                  Or just keep playing Civ2 or CTP until it is released in Greece


                  • #24
                    Well the game delay best not be too long, or warez it is until the game is released, unpopular as that decision may be, I stick by it; how can you steal something that is not available to steal?
                    Speaking of Erith:

                    "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                    • #25
                      As long as you actually do buy the game, i doubt Firaxis or anyone here will care that you're playing the game '3 weeks before Infogames says you can'
                      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                      • #26
                        Well buying the game is a sign of approval and shows that I am keen to invest in Civ4 and it's production. I downloaded CtP2 but never bought it because I thought that it wasn't worthy of my money...but on the other hand, I never continued to play it. I just thought it seemed like they tried too hard to be different, and has convinced me that coservative changes to the underlying mechanics of civ are the way forward, and I approve of how the game has progressed. So it is most probable that I will buy the game.
                        Speaking of Erith:

                        "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                        • #27
                          I don't have a credit card, so I cannot order the game from the US when it comes out.

                          Besides a pirate copy will always be available for sail 2-3 days after the US release so you can spend a few bucks to have it and after a couple of months or more when the official product will be available to buy it.
                          If I get my hands on a pirate copy, I won't buy the game. So Infogrames or whoever is selling the damn thing better be quick!

                          Games sell most in the first days of their release or when they're classics. The rest of the time, pirates have the upper hand.

                          Or just keep playing Civ2 or CTP until it is released in Greece
                          What bothers me most is that THEY will be all over the place talking about it and WE will be clueless.
                          "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
                          George Orwell


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by axi

                            If I get my hands on a pirate copy, I won't buy the game. So Infogrames or whoever is selling the damn thing better be quick!
                            Even if you like the game? Firaxis should get something from you if you're addicted to their game. A game like civ3 doesn't come out of nowhere.

                            What bothers me most is that THEY will be all over the place talking about it and WE will be clueless.
                            America is great

                            More seriously: That THEY makes it sound like Americans are the enemy


                            • #29
                              More seriously: That THEY makes it sound like Americans are the enemy
                              More jokingly: Look here, we'll make a deal:
                              You give us Civ3 - we give you Bin Laden.
                              Fair trade.


                              Aheem, seriously now: It's not that I want to pirate the game, I just stated a sincere fact: If I pirate the game, I will not buy it, because I will not need another copy.

                              But I bet that I will buy the game way before I find it pirated.
                              "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
                              George Orwell


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by axi

                                More jokingly: Look here, we'll make a deal:
                                You give us Civ3 - we give you Bin Laden.
                                Fair trade.

                                Aheem, seriously now: It's not that I want to pirate the game, I just stated a sincere fact: If I pirate the game, I will not buy it, because I will not need another copy.

                                But I bet that I will buy the game way before I find it pirated.
                                Just because you don't want 2 copies of the game doesn't mean Firaxis shouldn't get something from you. They deserve something for their hard work

