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Prefered road to VICTORY!

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  • Prefered road to VICTORY!

    What will be your overall stategy for you first game of Civ 3; How do you plan to win?

    1. Military Victory: Kick A$$, Back Stab, whatever it takes, no prisoneers!

    2. Space Victory: To the moon Alice, and beyond!

    3. Cultural Victory: Are there no equals to our superior way of life?

    4. Diplomatic Victory: I'm such a schmoozer(brown nose)!

    5. Domination Victory: This land is my land; mine ,mine, mine!
    Military Victory
    Space Victory
    Cultural Victory
    Diplomatic Victory
    Domination Victory
    How ever I can get it Victory

  • #2
    I'm planning on a Cultural Victory, because, one, it's new, and second it sounds much more challenging; having to stave off wars, land mongerer's, and those shooting off to space! Planning a few wars will definately have to be a part of my overall strategy. Maybe even a few diplomatic connections just to get some trade accomplished. All of the wonders that help build culture will be my priority.


    • #3
      Gotta love space victory, but I want to be the first one to post an OCC culture victory.
      12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
      Stadtluft Macht Frei
      Killing it is the new killing it
      Ultima Ratio Regum


      • #4
        "The evil mastermind victory"
        I will win by building a giant orbital deathray, and demanding that all the other civilisations surrender to me.

        But out of the real victories : Culture.
        I'll get really high culture, then nuke&raze all the other players high culture cities, leaving me the most cultured civilisation on the planet!


        • #5
          However I can get it victory...

          I like to play each game a little differently, while still keeping some core strategies, mind you.
          "When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk." -Tuco Benedicto Juan Ramirez
          "I hate my hat, I hate my clubs, I hate my life" -Marcia
          "I think it would be a good idea."
          - Mahatma Ghandi, when asked what he thought of Western civilization


          • #6
            You forgot an option: I dont Plan on Winning my First Game

            But then, you'd have to be crazy to pick that one. Im planning on a cultural victory, so i can build like crazy, and if need be, go to war with some other civs, but just generally get a feel for how Civ 3 plays. Determine what strategies work and what dont, and see just how good Mr AI is
            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


            • #7
              Killing all the other civs after Firaxis has put so much work into their AI, diplomacy and trade would be a shame


              • #8
                Certainly, I dont care if i win or not. I just wanna have a greate and well developed civ (covered with irrigation, railroads, and so). Im pacifist, but sometimes i like to make "imperialist" incursions (and im not American). But as my primary goal will be culture, if i win, ill win by Cultural Victory.
                Roman: Civilization belongs to the civilized. Attila: It belogs to those who have the power to conquer it. Me: Nope, it belongs to me. Coz ive paid 50 bucks and it has a 30 days satisfaction guarantee.


                • #9
                  I consider victory to be mine when the world's major continent is fully colonized by my excellent cities that have at most 3 square sof overlap between cities (usually none), with railway everywhere, fortresses on hills held by howitzers and mech inf all along the coast (all forests and mountains that may be used by enemy to dig in removed) and fortified camps for armour, howitzers, mech inf etc etc throughout the continent, ready to embark on whatever campaign i decide to launch against an enemy.....

                  And a damn great big stockpile of nuclear and cruise missiles to blow the living daylights out of any body that annoys me.

                  Once that's done, what's the challenge ?


                  • #10
                    As long as they're all on their knees does it really matter why?
                    "War: A by-product of the arts of peace." Bierce


                    • #11
                      I will try to win by any of them, but I don't think I will win by conquest, I have never been good at that...
                      Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                      I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                      Also active on WePlayCiv.


                      • #12
                        i might win by diplo 'cosi'm rubbish at space and millitary and it is so easy (from SMAC, i havnt played civ 3, so dont say how annying people )
                        all u have to do is get lots of pop. points and build the UN
                        Just my 2p.
                        Which is more than a 2 cents, about one cent more.
                        Which shows you learn something every day.


                        • #13
                          What are the requierments. Do you get more points for doing it one way?


                          • #14
                            I will get a victory any way I can. I will play at medium-high difficulty my first time to get a real challenge. The Aztecs will be my first choice, I will pump out jaguar warriors and annihlate the vulnerable Iriquois and Americans, leaveing the entire noirth america to myself . Although I will probably not use the space race, it just seems so anti-climactic to me. I was hoping they would change it for Civ 3 to make it more complex and interesting, oh well.
                            I don't do drugs anymore 'cause i find i can get the same effect by standing up really fast.

                            I live in my own little world, but its ok; they know me here.


                            • #15
                              Winning? Where is the fun in that? The most fun is to be a highly developed small nation, fending of its better neighbours with supreme tactics. But if I have o win I admit the cultural victory seems nice.
                              If you place a thing into the center of your life, that lacks the power to nourish. It will eventually poison everything that you are.
                              And destroy you. -Maxi Jazz, Faithless

