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Mutual Limited Edition Community Pact

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  • Mutual Limited Edition Community Pact

    With the recent development of PS2-like numbers of the limited edition, let us, the Apolyton commnunity make a mutual pledge to try to share any videos/designer notes etc to the best of our ability with the rest of the community. I'm sure there will probably be a few of us who are left fruitless in our quest for the limited edition, I hate to say such things, but let us be realistic. I feel the best thing this community could do is to upload any videos, scan any designer notes, etc, so WE the true, hardcore Civ fans can be guaranteed to experience some of the glitz and glamour of Limited Edition on launch day. Therefore, let us all pledge to do our part for the betterment of the community on launch day, if you're with me give me a hearty "aye"!

  • #2
    Hear, hear! I'm going to try to get to Software Etc. tomorrow to reserve an LE. Trouble is, I have no transportation... looks like I'll have to bum a ride off of one of my roommates.


    • #3
      Originally posted by monkspider
      I feel the best thing this community could do is to upload any videos, scan any designer notes, etc, so WE the true, hardcore Civ fans can be guaranteed to experience some of the glitz and glamour of Limited Edition on launch day.
      Firstly; If demands outstrip supply in the first batch of legitimate LE-copies, Im sure Infogrames releases a second wave of LE:s. And a third one.

      Secondly: I have pre-ordered an LE-copy, and Im paying $59.99 for it plus $24.99 in shipping-fee = $84.98. Why should I pay all this extra money, and then upload it all for free to others? Is that fair?
      I say: dont worry. You gonna get lots of appetizing LE tidbit-info, but if you feel that you must own a copy, you have to wait until it comes out yourself.


      • #4
        Ralf: I too hope that we all are able to get a copy on release day, and this talk of pre order hysteria has been greatly exaggerated. I do sympathize with your plight of having to pay exorbitant overseas shipping fees and certainly no one here would ever try to force you to upload the extras. But I have a hunch that the limited edition will be, as the name implies, very limited. I don't think that Sid and the gang would release additional copies of something that is supposed to be fairly limited in nature. Moreover, if they do deciede to print additional copies, it would be weeks, possibly months after the initial release. It pretty much goes without saying that a pretty good majority of us here are going to be buying it the day it's released, limited edition or no. Now, if some of us who purchased the standard edition in desperation, finding no LEs anywhere, then I highly doubt that that person would want to fork over another 60 bucks to get the re-released LE. You see my reasoning?
        Now, it could be fairly argued that maybe these extras aren't very much in the grand scheme of things..I mean they are just EXTRAS for pete's sake. Why worry about them? Well, I think in this case we fanboy Apolyton folk, in a way, deserve to see these things. We have been the ones to follow the Civ games for years, we worked long hours coming up with "the list", we have generally been the most staunch and fantatical fans of Sid and the boys in the entire world. You see what I mean? We all deserve to see these extras, regardless of the availability of the LE. I certainly respect your opinion, and it is not an unreasonable one by any means, but I must nonetheless stand by my original post.
        Last edited by monkspider; September 30, 2001, 04:12.


        • #5
          Don't worry: I am sure that someone with the LE will upload the special scenario that comes with it.

          And if no one does, I will!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by monkspider
            Now, if some of us who purchased the standard edition in desperation, finding no LEs anywhere, then I highly doubt that that person would want to fork over another 60 bucks to get the re-released LE. You see my reasoning?
            Well, some would actually. Check out this Poll.

            We all deserve to see these extras, regardless of the availability of the LE. I certainly respect your opinion, and it is not an unreasonable one by any means, but I must nonetheless stand by my original post.
            If Infogrames really have no plans whatsover to make additional copies above 75.000 (ignoring continuing demand), then that would change things, of course (at least within this community). Somehow I doubt that, though. After all, if they sell 3-4 million standard-copies, then lets say 150.000+ LE-copies would still be considered as rather limited. Anyway, sooner or later someone somewhere gonna uppload some of these extras, I guess. Also; Im not even sure if I managed to get hold of one myself. I only ordered it yesterday, and my credit-card isnt debited until they actually have a copy to send.
            Last edited by Ralf; September 30, 2001, 04:20.


            • #7
              I will post the extra stuff if no-one else does.
              I'm paying extra for the LE soley (sp?) for the actual tin it comes in. And for the fact that i have officially produced Civ 3 stuff
              No harm in letting others enjoy the Civ 3 experience, they also have given some money to Firaxis by buying the RE
              I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ralf

                Firstly; If demands outstrip supply in the first batch of legitimate LE-copies, Im sure Infogrames releases a second wave of LE:s. And a third one.

                At what point do they have to stop calling it a "limited" edition?

