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Units 101

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  • Units 101

    With the new special units official info from, I think we could have an idea of how the first units in the game works. I will try to indicate what info is confirmed and what is guessed in order not to confuse anybody:

    BASIC UNIT: Warrior (1/1/1). Doesn´t need tech or resources.

    FIRST AGE UNITS: They have a 2 in one category (movement, defense or attack). Need tech, but (I guess) no resources. Are:
    -SPEED: Charriot (1/1/2). Guess doesn´t need horses (not sure)
    -DEFENSE: Spearman (1/2/1). Guess doesn´t need bronze (again not sure).
    -ATTACK: Archer (2/1/1).

    SECOND AGE UNITS: This units could have a 3 in one category, and a 2 and a 1 in the others. Need tech and 1 resource.

    -SPEED: Horseman (guessed 3/1/2). Need horses.
    -DEFENSE: Pikeman (guessed 2/3/1 or 1/3/1). Guess need Iron.
    -ATTACK: Swordman (3/2/1). Need Iron.

    THIRD AGE UNITS: Could have a 4 in one category, need 1 or 2 resources:

    -SPEED: Knight (4/3/2). Need Iron and Horses.
    -DEFENSE:Musketman (guessed 3/4/1). Guess need 1 resource.

    So, what do you think?

  • #2
    As basic units also the Worker (0/0/?), Settler (0/0/?) and Scout (0/?/?) should be mentioned.

    Further I think that all third age units will require 2 resources. Ofcourse with the exception of the Indian War Elephant.


    • #3
      why don't you check out this thread

      i have a fairly complete list of units and their stats in it


      • #4
        Musketmen is 2/4/1.

        Pikemen will probably be 1/3/1 or 1/4/1.

        Chariot does need horses, and probably Spearmen bronze.

        Combine First Age and Second Age into Ancient Age, rename third age Middle Ages, and put Pikemen in the Middle Ages.



        Chariot - 1/1/2 (needs horses)
        Swordmen - 3/2/1 (needs iron)
        Archer - 2/1/1 (needs ???)
        Spearmen - 1/2/1 (needs bronze?)


        Knight - 4/3/2 (needs horses and iron)
        Musketmen - 2/4/1 (needs that white power, forgot the name)
        Pikemen - 1/3/1 (needs bronze/iron?)
        "Compromises are not always good things. If one guy wants to drill a five-inch hole in the bottom of your life boat, and the other person doesn't, a compromise of a two-inch hole is still stupid." - chegitz guevara
        "Bill3000: The United Demesos? Boy, I was young and stupid back then.
        Jasonian22: Bill, you are STILL young and stupid."

        "is it normal to imaginne dartrh vader and myself in a tjhreee way with some hot chick? i'ts always been my fantasy" - Dis


        • #5
          The white stuff that musketmen need is called saltpeter (potassium nitrate) IIRC.

          I don't think Archers need any special resources - has someone any newer information about them?

          Spearmen need probably bronze, and pikemen iron.
          Wiio's First Law: Communication usually fails, except by accident.


          • #6
            It's confirmed by FIRAXIS that Chariots need Horses.

            About Spearmen:
            It would be strange that they need Bronze because,
            it would be only unit req. bronze, and I dont't think that
            Archers or Chariot reqire Bronze, because they wouldn't be able to
            build theier units if they didn't discovered Bronze Working.


            • #7
              May cannons need bronze?
              That would be realistic, but the cannon unit apears so far after the spearmen, the other unit that could need bronze. I guessed units with few poins (2+1+1 per category) don´t require special resources, but as long as the need for horses of charriots is confirmed, all the system falls down.
              korn469, thanks for the links. Your list is really complete.

