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New Governments

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  • New Governments

    Now that we know we can create our own governments, what ones will you make and how will they be different from the existing governments?
    "Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!" -- Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
    "If you expect a kick in the balls and get a slap in the face, that's a victory." -- Irish proverb

    Proud member of the Pink Knights of the Roundtable!

  • #2
    bring back Fundamentalism


    • #3
      Re: New Governments

      Originally posted by JellyDonut
      Now that we know we can create our own governments, what ones will you make and how will they be different from the existing governments?
      Fundamentalism, Fascism, and maybe a few isms more. But only after I play the game with the original govs for dozens and dozens of times.


      • #4
        Yuppism - your civilization becomes a nation of yuppies - all military units are disbanded, and all production converted into luxury goods..... the trade off is a massive culture production bonus !


        • #5
          definately facism, socialism (different from communism thank you), fundamentalism(theocracy), and Feudalism.

          i always wondered why feudalism was never a government, and i assume "Monarchy" was meant to cover it, but the two entities are seperate
          "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
          - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


          • #6
            Fascism, Saddamism, and Egaltarian.

            Fascism-Industry Science
            Saddamism-Military, industry
            Egaltarian- Happy, industrius ('workers paradise')


            • #7

              Make a great, successful civ and then switch to this government.

              - Raise the tax rate as high as possible, max out luxuries and take all "extra" workers out of the city view and make them entertainers.
              - Disband all military, and then give the rest of the Civ's a case of "K-Y" in the form of regular tribute thus bankrupting the nation.
              - Eliminate all culture producing buildings so as not to "unfairly" influence the rest of the world and make them upset.
              - Sell off all science production buildings because an uneducated populace is a populace that is easy to control through the mass media.

              Sounds about right.


              • #8
                If that isnt the stupidest thing I have ever heard Ozz


                • #9

                  Well.... Seems to be the direction the US is going, at least based on all the "aid" programs the US gov't has handed out the last few years. (let's remove social security tax from payroll so the people who get oney every year can also get that free).


                  In any event, it was (mainly) a joke.


                  • #10
                    ok, im home from work now, so i can actually organize thoughts about Feudalism/Facism as governments.

                    Feudalism:[list=1][*]govenors are required. you can not override them, just influence them. shows the feudal "loosely centered" government.[*]Science rates deterioriate (i'm wanting to say halved but it seems too much) to show the dark age that coinsided with feudalism.[*]Tax rates are decent, but not all that great. the heirarchy of classes (Knights->Vassals->King) causes loss of money.[*]War Production lowered, or Unit Support lowered, to show the rise to arms that many feudal states had when they were required.[*]People are generally content-unhappy, almost never happy.[/list=1]

                    Facism:[list=1][*]War costs Halved, or unit support halved.[*]Science and Tax rates increased.[*]People generally unhappy. HAPPINESS HAS TO BE A MAJOR PROBLEM.[*]Secret police reduce corruption.[/list=1]
                    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                    • #11
                      I'm planning on adding Theocracies, Feudalism, Nanosocialism, Cyberdemocracies, Incorporate, and for the fantasy scenarios I've got bouncing in my head...Necrocracies and Thaumacracy.(Rule by the Dead and Rule by the Magically gifted, respectfully.)

                      Fascism is a good one, as are Oligarchys(Rule by those with money), and Technocracies.(Rule by the scientific elite.)

                      Future scenarios are going to be fun with 16 Civs to play with.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ProfessorPhobos
                        Necrocracies ... Rule by the Dead
                        LOL Thatd be a strange one...

                        Servant: "Oh Great Leader, where shalt we place our new city site??"

                        Dead Leader: ...

                        Servant: "Damn, he never answers my questions!"
                        I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                        • #13
                          Confederacy would be another form of government.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by UberKruX
                            I always wondered why feudalism was never a government, and i assume "Monarchy" was meant to cover it, but the two entities are seperate
                            Feudalism is a economic system (like Capitalizam)
                            It is government only in game MOO2.

                            Now there are a Feudal-Monarchies, what is totaly different.


                            • #15
                              In short in Feudalism, slaves are replaced by serf, wich coud not leave,
                              Lord's lands, and worked in them. They kept part of profits, and Lord &
                              Church & King taked rest.

                              So, serfs were not a rely free people.

                              In fact, when Lord was sellin a land, he sold a land with serfs on it.

