Firaxis is getting ripped off if they "bought" the questions for CivTrivia from one source. I've noticed this for awhile but I've wondered just how long it would last: has anybody else noticed that almost every single darn question is ripped directly from the Cartoon History of the Universe (by Larry Gonick)? Not well ripped off mind you, lots of these questions have been phrased funny (by the time Persia took over Crosseus in Turkey it was already quite large), but they use the same spelling and same incidents pulled from history. The CHoTU, despite its lofty name, can only cover so much in its pages, so I'm reasonably certain it's not a coincidence judging by the fact it's used again the same exact incidents and notes that the CHoTU decided to mention.
I would scan in the book pages to show you how blatant it is, except for the fact I don't have a scanner and it would violate copyright. But if all this company is going to do is rip off the Cartoon History of the Universe, heck, I could do that. For much less.
I would scan in the book pages to show you how blatant it is, except for the fact I don't have a scanner and it would violate copyright. But if all this company is going to do is rip off the Cartoon History of the Universe, heck, I could do that. For much less.