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Effect of culture on revolts of conquered cities

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  • Effect of culture on revolts of conquered cities

    I'm not here to build a model on the subject, but I was woundering:

    Should the revolts of city that has inhabitants with annother culture than yours be affected by the strenght of your and their culture?

    Would be a good idea I guess. Asiatic countries were hardly conquered by occidentals and vice versa for exemple.
    Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Trifna
    Should the revolts of city that has inhabitants with annother culture than yours be affected by the strenght of your and their culture?
    Yes, of course. A military stronger, but culturally weaker Civ, should have rather costly martial-law problems with controlling conquered cities, belonging to culturally stronger (and perhaps also culturally different) Civs.

