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How to control the "just one more time" phenomena

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  • How to control the "just one more time" phenomena

    For all of you who have trouble with keeping track of time when playing Civ (some Firaxians admitted having this problem in that new video), go to and download the software.

    To my knowledge, thats the only speaking clock that can tell the time in your own language, in chosen intervals right through full-screen games with game-sound/music playing load. And best of all - its available both as shareware and freeware! I actually prefer the freeware-version. Check it out!

    Some civers even suggested that this function should be integrated in Civ-3, in this old thread;

  • #2

    It's too late for me. I already passed a part of my childhood in videogames
    Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!


    • #3
      Or you could just make yourself a timed face slapper.

      Every hour a robotic hand could extend, work out the position of your head based on readings from two transmitters on either side of your face and slap you silly while saying "LATE-FOR-WORK! DO-YOUR-HOMEWORK! PHONE-YOUR-GIRLFRIEND! GET-A-LIFE!"
      A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


      • #4
        Every hour a robotic hand could extend, work out the position of your head based on readings from two transmitters on either side of your face and slap you silly while saying "LATE-FOR-WORK! DO-YOUR-HOMEWORK! PHONE-YOUR-GIRLFRIEND! GET-A-LIFE!"
        I really think that would detract from gameplay.... we're wanting this to be fun! LOL! Better yet would be some voice that comes on every few hours exclaiming "AH! This overtime project is really taking longer than I expected! Does my burden never end?!" or "Kids, there is food in the fridge, don't you people know how to use a microwave?" or "Honey, the doctor said the contagious stage would end in a few days....bye bye...". Now that would be a nice feature. Maybe in the expansion pack.
        Question Authority.......with mime...


        • #5
          Originally posted by Faboba
          Or you could just make yourself a timed face slapper. Every hour a robotic hand could extend, work out the position of your head based on readings from two transmitters on either side of your face and slap you silly while saying "LATE-FOR-WORK! DO-YOUR-HOMEWORK! PHONE-YOUR-GIRLFRIEND! GET-A-LIFE!"
          I could really use that.


          • #6
            most effective way: a powerpoint timer..... set it for 4 hours, 4 hours later, power auto off


            • #7
              They need a feature that calls in sick for you at work.


              • #8
                Re: How to control the "just one more time" phenomena

                Originally posted by Ralf
                For all of you who have trouble with keeping track of time when playing Civ (some Firaxians admitted having this problem in that new video), go to and download the software.
                Now why would I do that?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Anunikoba
                  Now why would I do that?
                  I dont know. Its only a suggestion, for crying out load. Try to live with it - or just ignore it.


                  • #10
                    Lighten up please.

                    It was a comedic response...

                    I guess I should have put and 'LOL' after it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Madine
                      They need a feature that calls in sick for you at work.
                      Ill take a copy of Civ 3 that include a "get lecture-notes from uni" add on
                      Thatd be useful for me
                      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                      • #12
                        It would also help those who suffer the "one more post syndrome".

                        The number of Brit poster still on OT between 12-6 a.m (and on a weekday) is highly amusing.
                        One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Anunikoba
                          Lighten up please.

                          It was a comedic response...

                          I guess I should have put and 'LOL' after it.
                          Ok - sorry! Yes, those smileys can sometimes appear too often, but sometimes (like in your response) they are really useful.


                          • #14
                            just-one-more-time syndrome should not be controlled. Every game should be played to its conclusion no matter how long it takes or who gets hurt in the process.

                            ...oh, almost forgot -
                            Kids! Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous. Do not attempt it in your home.

                            -- (Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, Good Omens)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by donarumo
                              just-one-more-time syndrome should not be controlled. Every game should be played to its conclusion no matter how long it takes or who gets hurt in the process.
                              Hmm - I was never quite satisfied with that subject-title. You are right, of course - but a speaking clock reminder wont hurt either.

