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  • Nukes

    What types of Nukes are going to be in CIV3. I hope more than there were in civ2.
    And an auto lanuch feature would be nice.

  • #2

    Well, what exactly are you looking for? Fatman and Little Boy? Nukes that can travel more than 16 spaces? Tactical nukes that don't spread as much radiation poison? I don't know that it's a bad idea, but I wouldn't want a variety. It's just more to spend money on and more to worry about from other civs. One nuke is bad enough, along with all the other weaponry. I say the fewer missles the better, but that's just my opinion.
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    • #3
      Re: Nukes

      Originally posted by civcop
      . One nuke is bad enough, along with all the other weaponry. I say the fewer missles the better.
      You should go play a Civ game where there is only worker and settler. Isn't that the kind of game you are dreaming for.

      Artistic and hand-made ceramics found only at


      • #4
        Firaxis should have a nuke that has a range of more than 16 squares. Ever since the '50s we have had the capability to hit any target on earth with a nuclear weapon, and it was annoying when the AI hit me with a nuke starting on the other side of the map.
        "Remember, there's good stuff in American culture, too. It's just that by "good stuff" we mean "attacking the French," and Germany's been doing that for ages now, so, well, where does that leave us?" - Elok


        • #5
          From the CivFanatics Civ3 Info Center...

 are some details regarding nukes (info is taken, I believe, from official interviews, articles and forum entries by Firaxians):

          "There are two types of nuclear weapons. ICBMs can hit anything on the map and tactical nukes that can be put on submarines and launched as cruise missiles. If you think you can have a war and launch tactical nukes you can try it, but it's a challenge in the game just to survive the whole era."

          "The nuclear war part of the game should be (and this is something we're working on) something that you come to and pass through. In Civ2, it's sort of the end point. When you get nukes, everybody gets nukes and the game is pretty much over. In this game, if you're the first person to get them you will have an opportunity to benefit, but once everybody else gets them it's unlikely that you can use them and have a successful game."

          Hope this helps.

          BTW, this information is available to anyone willing to do some digging. Next time don't be so freakin' lazy.


          • #6
            damn lazy slobs.
            "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
            - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


            • #7
              damn lazy slobs.
              please ....

              sounds good to me. i think there is another thread on this. i had hoped that nukes are more powerful and it seems that my prayers have been answered ...

