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Hiding Units

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  • Hiding Units

    One feature I loved about Alpha Centauri, was the ability to hide your units in Fungus squares.

    I was wondering if this feature might be included in Civ III - obviously not in fungus, but I find it reasonable that Jungle/Forest terrain could be used for this purpose.

    If this has been discussed, please direct me to the appropriate thread.


    Voluntary Human Extinction Movement

  • #2
    It was a nice feature, but the problem is, will the AI respect those rules?

    In Civ2, the AI would attack everything, even past its Fog of War. In SMAC, although units could hide in fungus or attach the sub improvement, it didn't matter, the AI could still see the unit. Even without sensors, the AI would still repeatedly hunt my units in the fungus.

    So the main focus of hiding units in Civ3 is not whether you can but will the AI finally respect those rules. There's been a claim that the Civ3 AI only cheats on Deity (whatever the name is for the hardest) level, hopefully this will include sub-type units.


    • #3
      well i hope that some units are a little more invisible like subs and stealth planes


      • #4
        The AI is so dumb that it sucks even when it cheats.

        Some things are more important in mp, stealth units are one of those things.


        • #5
          This is half OT:

          I never did understand why the AI in Alpha Centauri was able to see through the fungus- just make the AI unable to attack units in fungus, unless it was detected moving into the patch.

          I was very disappointed with this very big lapse in AI development, especially since the answer to the problem is easy to correct.

          And hopefully, these kind of things are corrected in CivIII!


          • #6
            Hiding in the jungle (Vietnam) or in mountains (Afghanistan) is quite realistic. In the desert (Iraq) it is ofcourse totally impossible.


            • #7
              yea, seeing enemy stealth bombers opver ocean tiles was always good.

              i think that infantry should be able to hide in forests...
              "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
              - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

