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Reason for different #'s of men & women in screenshots

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  • Reason for different #'s of men & women in screenshots

    I noticed that there are different percentages of men and women in the screenshots. Also, they appear in, it seems like, random order. Can anyone shed any light as to what this might mean?

    Would cities with a larger proportion of women be '(female dog)ier'?(LOL)

    Seriously, maybe with more women, the city would have a higher growth rate???

  • #2
    And when you lose alot of units you get more women than men in the cities? If they include it this way that you are saying it should be like that......
    It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars


    • #3
      No, not necessarily like that, because 'units' can be men or women, at least in the modern age. I'm merely speculating that a reason for having different numbers of men and women in the cities is to 'represent' the future growth rate of the city. If two "make believe" cities had 10 people each and one had 9 women and one man(lucky man!) they would grow/expand faster than a city with an equal number of each. Although, if that 'one' man was ugly, maybe all the women would turn lesbian!(lol)


      • #4
        if i had to guess i'd say the men were in themilitary. suppose this affects city size?
        Prince of...... the Civ Mac Forum


        • #5
          Probably just like in Civ2, such stuff is just 'art' with no gameplay implications whatsoever.

          Maybe I should change my signature to...

          "Firaxis spent way too much resources on artists and not enough on programmers."

          We'll see.


          • #6
            It would be infinetly cool if prolonged military campains affected population. Real life example; Germany 1945, there were 7 million more women than men. It would affect strategy, possibly making one adopt a modern "zero-casualties" policy, as replacing units was not simply a matter of manufacturing.
            To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


            • #7
              its probly just graphics...
              but of course, if it were implemented so that more women = more growth, more men = faster units prudction, both nullified by buildin ga small wonder like 'womens rights' or something
              And God said "let there be light." And there was dark. And God said "Damn, I hate it when that happens." - Admiral


              • #8
                Originally posted by dainbramaged13
                its probly just graphics...
                but of course, if it were implemented so that more women = more growth, more men = faster units prudction, both nullified by buildin ga small wonder like 'womens rights' or something
                I'm bringing this question back up because of the info I got from the pre-order video form Best Buy. The lead artist for the game (Nick Rusko-Berger) said that they have streamlined the graphics for the game, removing all "art that was there for art's sake", especially for the interfaces, ie: the city management screens.

                So all graphics that are there actually mean something, at least that is what I'm led to believe from the video.

