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Poll about leader art

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  • #16
    Re: Hit the nail right on the leader's head

    Originally posted by civcop
    Who is the tiny head on the Civ 3 site with dark hair and glasses? Is is supposed to be Sid? Whoever it is, he looks just like Jack Benny. Does Sid have a butler named Rochester?

    As regards the leader head art, I don't much care. To be blunt, there is an awful lot of sniping here and if I were a Firaxis employee I'd avoid these forums altogether. "I want this! I want that! I won't buy it if it doesn't have this feature!" Look, I rather doubt that the threat of failing to buy Civ 3 by a small minority impresses the folks at Firaxis. Don't buy it then. Just stop reminding us about it week after week. Personally, the most legitimate gripe in my mind is the lack of MP. However, no MP is a fact of life. Wait to buy it, suffer with SP until it's available...just please stop beating that dead horse. I would venture a guess that many of the most vocal critics will buy the game by Christmas anyway.

    another FINE example of a newbie to the forums being the most clear-headed of us all. Thank you very much for your fine perspecitve.
    And God said "let there be light." And there was dark. And God said "Damn, I hate it when that happens." - Admiral


    • #17

      The dwelling on the silly minutae (and believe me, I love all things Civ) on this forum is getting to be a bore. Who do these guys think they are fooling with the childish threats?

      The fact is, we've all waited for so long to get Civ3, it's clearly going to be quite awesome, MP or no at first, so I wager every single person posting on this forum is going to buy it sooner or later.

      I plan to buy it ASAP. I plan to play it SP for hours and hours. I plan to post endless messages on this forum about how cool it is. If there is anyone here still whining and making threats about not buying, my bet is they will quickly change their minds when they see everyone posting how great it is.

      How's that for confidence in the product?
      Tutto nel mondo è burla


      • #18
        I don't understand people who don't understand complaining about leader art. Why not? If it didn't matter at all we'd all be happy with stick figures, right? Of course I will still buy the game the first day it comes out; of course I will play until I pass out at the keyboard from hunger and exhaustion! But that doesn't mean I can't look at a turkey of a picture and say hey, that's not gonna fly. Old Cleopatra and Alexander are (were) the biggest turkeys. The rest vary from OK to good, but these two really got my goat. It's just inexcusable (surely they knew Cleo was a Ptolomy? Surely they knew Alex died at -- what -- 33, not 55?).

        Come on, I don't want photorealistic, cheesy early-90s pics either, but that's not to say I have to be happy with ridiculous and ugly historical inaccuracies! It doesn't take any more effort to make decent looking, historically accurate leader art than it takes to make art that looks stupid and is inaccurate. And those of you who say you don't care, I don't believe you. What if Firaxians used pics of themselves to represent the leaders? What if Sid was Alexander the Great? If you don't like that, then tell me why you're happy with an Alexander that looks more like Caesar?

        I could go on, you know...


        • #19
          I think they will be animated, no?


          • #20
            Who are you yelling at? And why are you being such a jerk about it? Forget the meds this morning?
            sorry if i seemed like that.


            • #21
              Originally posted by El hidalgo
              I don't understand people who don't understand complaining about leader art. Why not? If it didn't matter at all we'd all be happy with stick figures, right? Of course I will still buy the game the first day it comes out; of course I will play until I pass out at the keyboard from hunger and exhaustion! But that doesn't mean I can't look at a turkey of a picture and say hey, that's not gonna fly. Old Cleopatra and Alexander are (were) the biggest turkeys. The rest vary from OK to good, but these two really got my goat. It's just inexcusable (surely they knew Cleo was a Ptolomy? Surely they knew Alex died at -- what -- 33, not 55?).

              Come on, I don't want photorealistic, cheesy early-90s pics either, but that's not to say I have to be happy with ridiculous and ugly historical inaccuracies! It doesn't take any more effort to make decent looking, historically accurate leader art than it takes to make art that looks stupid and is inaccurate. And those of you who say you don't care, I don't believe you. What if Firaxians used pics of themselves to represent the leaders? What if Sid was Alexander the Great? If you don't like that, then tell me why you're happy with an Alexander that looks more like Caesar?

              I could go on, you know...
              i admit, you do have a point. but after all, we did get them to change cleo, and it has been pointed out that all leaders except alexander are on the preorder box, so...
              And God said "let there be light." And there was dark. And God said "Damn, I hate it when that happens." - Admiral


              • #22
                I think the leader art is extremely well done, it gives the individual leaders a lot of personality, something that was missing in previous incarnations.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by El hidalgo
                  I don't understand people who don't understand complaining about leader art. Why not?
                  I couldn't agree more, which is why my first post is a complaint about Alexander the Apparently Mediocre At Best. I certainly don't have a problem with people voicing complaints.

                  What I DO have a gripe with are those that take ridiculously extreme positions about things that really aren't all that important to the enjoyment of the game. And I REALLY dislike the posts that are basically cursing out Firaxis OVER THINGS THAT WE STILL DON'T KNOW ABOUT. Most people haven't even bought the friggin' game and they're complaining as if they got a lemon. I think this sucks since Firaxis, by their very presence here, has shown a million times more respect and concern for the gamers than any other software developer I can think of. How would you feel if you were working on a project 16 hours a day, putting your heart into it, and folks were *****ing about it before they even knew what it was like? I think that really sucks.

                  I implore everyone here to think before they speak, be kind in their critiques and RELAX a little. As the events of the last week have shown, this game isn't all that important. It's meant for fun, so chill.

                  Tutto nel mondo è burla


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by monkspider
                    I think the leader art is extremely well done, it gives the individual leaders a lot of personality, something that was missing in previous incarnations.
                    By and large, I agree. I just strongly disagree with their choices in depicting a few, such as Alexander. The Cleopatra thing didn't bother me as much, honestly. Though it should be mentioned that in truth, according to contemporary depictions, she wasn't all that beautiful. In fact, she was quite plain looking by today's standards.

                    Tutto nel mondo è burla


                    • #25
                      C'mon, Elizabeth looks like Tim Curry in Rock Horror. The designs are just too cartoonish for my tastes. Hopefully they can all be replaced with photographs - that may eliminate the animations but I never cared about animations so there you go.

                      Most people haven't even bought the friggin' game and they're complaining as if they got a lemon.
                      only one problem here. We HAVE seen the leader pics and many of the animations for the leaders. Because we have seen so much of the leaders, I say its fair to criticize.


                      • #26
                        Yeah, they're a bit toony for my taste too. I'd like to see a better Alexander though... and well all of them. I am glad for teh Cleopatra change, so maybe they'll take our input into account again. We should be able to complain about the leader art. All the leaders are ugly (Catherine especially). Some are innacurate (the old Cleopoatra, Alexander) and others still are bizarre (Elizabeth). So far I am happiest with Hiawatha (ironically, since I don't support the inclusion of the Iroquois). He looks normal, like he could lead a country and accurate (except for the buildings in the background). Quality leader pics doesn't seem like too much to ask...

