No, this isn't a suggestion, it's an obsevation of how you might direct your units in CIV3.
I looked at the main map screenshots recently posted, and noticed a group of icons in the lower left corner of each screen. I think these are used to give unit orders.
For example, in the chinese 1948 screenshot, a worker is selected, and a bunch of icons at the bottom are available. from left to right, they appear to be:
Chop down forest
Don't know
skip turn
Go To
if you look at other screenshots with other units selected, you will see a different range of options selected. in an earier age with a worker, Railroad isn't available.
has anyone noticed this before?
I looked at the main map screenshots recently posted, and noticed a group of icons in the lower left corner of each screen. I think these are used to give unit orders.
For example, in the chinese 1948 screenshot, a worker is selected, and a bunch of icons at the bottom are available. from left to right, they appear to be:
Chop down forest
Don't know
skip turn
Go To
if you look at other screenshots with other units selected, you will see a different range of options selected. in an earier age with a worker, Railroad isn't available.
has anyone noticed this before?