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Old school city view screen from Civ I

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  • Old school city view screen from Civ I

    Does anyone know if there is such a feature in Civ 3? I loved watching the new buildings appear, and watching more houses appear as the cities got bigger. And I especially loved the armies marching in and the rioters.

    I hope Firaxis puts a city view back in the game. There was one in the first Civ ][, but it just wasn't the same.

    Soviet Union = Evil Perversion of Marxist Ideals
    United States = Evil Perversion of Free Enterprise

    At least in Russia, everyone was poor
    To us, it is the BEAST.

  • #2
    Don't worry, city view is in!!

    But it's a fair bit different from civ1, as you may imagine, given the 11-12 year time difference between the games and the relative graphical inovations that have come between.

    There's a few screenshots of the city view in the gallery at
    If the voices in my head paid rent, I'd be a very rich man


    • #3
      What SoulAssassin was talking about is how in Civ I, when a foreign army captured your city or you captured their city, a foreign army would be shown marching infront of the City Walls/Town. Or if your city fell into civil disorder, the rioters would be shown infront of the City Walls/Town.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mongoloid Cow
        What SoulAssassin was talking about is how in Civ I, when a foreign army captured your city or you captured their city, a foreign army would be shown marching infront of the City Walls/Town. Or if your city fell into civil disorder, the rioters would be shown infront of the City Walls/Town.
        or when the city builds a new e.g. libary the city screen was shown and the libary were getting "build"

        I haven't heard about this, but it would be nice to see again
        This space is empty... or is it?


        • #5
          I always hated that when playing Civilization on my amiga... I think I had to change swap disks or something, and the loading time was.... urk... *giggle*
          Kristian Foshaug - Webmaster at Civilization Nation


          • #6
            Originally posted by KriFos
            I always hated that when playing Civilization on my amiga... I think I had to change swap disks or something, and the loading time was.... urk... *giggle*
            I liked that and I played it on the Amiga too, I didn't notice any swap disks, maybe that was because the last year of our Amigas working life we used two diskdrives
            This space is empty... or is it?


            • #7
              I just checked out the City View screenshots on and I am disappointed. I hope that those were shots of a city with the size of 1. It looks like 400 people live in that city and there are Wonders that look silly standing in such a sparsely populated area.

              That city view looks more like Civ 2, where a million person city has like 20 houses.

              The game is not even out and yet I'm already feeling disappointed.
              To us, it is the BEAST.


              • #8
                Although I rarely looked at City View, I hope there is some variation in it this time. Like showing a river (or nearby mountains) in the view; changing the appearance as time progresses; having different-looking cities for different Civs.


                • #9
                  The city view screen in Civ1 was cool.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Leonidas
                    The city view screen in Civ1 was cool.
                    This space is empty... or is it?

