9997 B.C. Aborigines in Australia paint on stone
portrayal of organized warfare
9996-5000 BC Cave paintings in Spain show bows in use
7000 B.C. Fired-clay pottery
6000 B.C. Simple bows common in northern Europe
5000 B.C. Crop irrigation in Egypt
4500 B.C. Badarian culture in Egypt with pottery, ivory
spoons, and imported items such as malachite
(green stone used for jewelry)
4000 B.C. Domestic cattle
4000 B.C. Wheels in Mesopotamia
4000 B.C. Stone tools still used in Egypt and Mesopotamia
4000 B.C. Egypt organized into nomos (provinces) ruled by
nomarchs (chiefs)
3600 B.C. Stone and wooden wheels widespread
3800 B.C. Copper artifacts in Iran
3500 B.C. Bread in Egypt
3500 B.C. Egyptians have mirrors of metal
3500-3100 B.C. Naqada culture in Egypt, which became Egyptian
3200 B.C. Hieroglyphic writing in Egypt
3100 B.C. Upper and Lower Egypt united under Menes,
first Pharaoh, starts Early Dynastic Period
3100 B.C. Writing, record keeping, and formal
administrative organization evident in Egypt
3000 B.C. Bronze (mix of tin and copper) tools common
in Middle East
3000 B.C. Chariots in Mesopotamia
3000 B.C. Ox teams pulling plows in Egypt
3000 B.C. Cuneiform writing in Sumer
3000 B.C. Sumerians use fillings in bad teeth
3000 B.C. Sumerians divide day into 24 hours
3000 B.C. Sumerians divide hour into 60 minutes
3000 B.C. Sumerians divide minute into 60 seconds
3000 B.C. Sumerians divide circle into 360 degrees
(a very divisive people, these Sumerians)
3000 B.C. Pharaoh Atothis writes first book on human
body (actually, ABOUT it, not ON it)
3000 B.C. Minoans flourish on Crete
3000 B.C. Troy inhabited
3000 B.C. Lyre in Sumeria
3000 B.C. Athens site inhabited
2773 B.C. Egyptians use calendar with 365 days
2700 B.C. Chinese make silk
2700 B.C. "Old Copper" culture, near Lake Superior, uses
copper for tools and ornaments
2700 B.C. Urak of Mesopotamia is first undisputed example
of fortified city
2700 B.C. Sumer has fully articulated military, including
standing army organized along modern lines
2700 B.C. Formal record keeping and administration used
throughout Mesopotamia
2700 B.C. First "recorded" war, between Sumer (Iraq area)
and Elam (Iran area), fought in Basra area
2686-2160 B.C. Period of Old Kingdom in Egypt, military staff
2630 B.C. Egypt's first pyramid, at Saqqara, by Pharaoh
2600 B.C. Advanced soldering skills in Mesopotamia
2600 B.C. Paved highway in Egypt
2600 B.C. Tablets of Shruppak (Sumer) tell of city-states
equipping 600-700 soldier armies full time,
first evidence of standing professional armies
2550 B.C. Khufu's Great Pyramid at Giza, 481 feet high
2525 B.C. First detailed account of a war, between Lagash
and Umma (both Sumerian city-states), recorded
in pictures on stele erected by victorious
Eannatum of Lagash (victors write history)
2525 B.C. Stele of Vultures (by Eannatum) shows war with
phalanxes 6 deep by 8 wide; armor; helmets;
spears; socket axes; sickle swords; and chariots
pulled by onagers (wild asses)
2500 B.C. Fortified cities are the norm in Mesopotamia
2500 B.C. Copper helmets with leather liners common in
Sumerian army, lessening impact of mace as a
2500 B.C. Battering ram developed to counter fortifications,
since armies on the move needed supplies hidden
in the cities
2500 B.C. Mesopotamians develop weights and measures
2500 B.C. Great Pyramid at Giza
2500 B.C. Egyptians performing surgery, and some
patients live
2400 B.C. Papyrus in Egypt
2300 B.C. Sargon's army of 5,300 is big for the time
2300 B.C. Sargon the Great, of Akkad, launches conquest of
all of Mesopotamia, first great military dictator
2296 B.C. Chinese record sighting of comet
2250 B.C. First evidence of composite bow, during reign of
Naram Sin, grandson of Sargon the Great -- able to
penetrate leather armor, double range of simple bows
2200 B.C. Duck decoys in use in Nevada
2200 B.C. Fortress of Buhen, in Sudan, had walls, firing
bastions, moat, and complex gates
2200 B.C. Egypt fortifies southern area to protect against
Nubian attack
2200 B.C. Queen Semiramis of Babylon builds first
tunnel under a river
2040-1786 B.C. Middle Kingdom period in Egypt, improvements in
command structure of military and government
2000 B.C. Celts begin spreading
2000 B.C. First zoo has opening day, in China
1900 B.C. Assyrians united in Mesopotamia
1900 B.C. Hittites begin smelting iron (technology
transfer often guarded as it spread)
1800 B.C. Bronze metalworking spreads through Europe
(note how long after Middle East -- see 3000 B.C.)
1800 B.C. Babylonians have multiplication tables
1792 B.C. Hammurabi rules Babylon
1720 B.C. Hyksos invade Egypt, with mobility-based army,
chariots, composite bows (outranged Egyptians
by 200 yds), penetrating ax (vs Egyptian simple
ax), swords, body armor, helmets, and quivers
for rapid bowfire
1720 B.C. Hyksos establish capital at Avaris
1700 B.C. Knossos on Crete destroyed by fire
1674 B.C. Hyksos capture Memphis
1674 B.C. Half of Egypt ruled by foreign Hyksos kings, other
half by Thebes
1600 B.C. Greek hoplites popularize armor
1600 B.C. Mycenae (Greece) flourishes
1600 B.C. Water clock in Egypt
1570 B.C. New Kingdom Pharaohs begin expansion
1570-1546 B.C. Ahmose I of Thebes captures Avaris and drives out
Hyksos invaders
1567 B.C. Hyksos expelled from Egypt
1546-1526 B.C. Amenhotep I begins Egyptian drive into Asia
1525-1512 B.C. Thutmose I pacifies Nubia
1512-1504 B.C. Thutmose II pushes Egypt to the edge of Syria
1504-1450 B.C. Thutmose III, greatest warrior pharaoh (won 17
of 17 campaigns), established peak Egyptian
power, adopted best of Hyksos weapons and
mobility, and added archers on chariots,
reserve forces, communication improvements
(such as semaphore) and intelligence gathering
1500 B.C. Glassmaking perfected in Middle East,
including bottles in Egypt
1500 B.C. Sundials in Egypt
1500 B.C. Phoenicians found city of Tangier in
North Africa
1500 B.C. Pyramids are out, cutting tombs into rock is in
1450 B.C. Mycenae dominates Aegean
1450 B.C. Minoans overrun by mainland Greeks
1450 B.C. Egypt reaches greatest extent, through the
efforts of Thutmose III
1380 B.C. Nefertiti is queen-consort to Akhenaten
in Egypt
1361 B.C. Tutankhamen king of Egypt at age 9
1320 B.C. Mycenae reaches its peak
1300 B.C. Hittites first employ iron for weapons
1300 B.C. Egyptian army has special field intelligence
and commander's conferences for staff planning
on the battlefield
1290-1224 B.C. Ramses II, master builder pharaoh, known to
Greeks as Ozymandias, has total army of 100,000
1288 B.C. Battle of Kadesh, Ramses II and an army of
20,000 ambushed by 16,000 Hittites, including
2,500 chariots. Ramses escapes from trap and
counterattacks as Hittites are looting the field.
Subsequent stalemate begins 17 fruitless war years.
1200 B.C. Hittites overrun by the Sea Peoples (mostly
displaced from Aegean region by northern
invaders, the Sea Peoples included Philis-
tines and other groups who later settled
in Palestine and surrounding area)
1200 B.C. Iron smelting perfected (in only 700 years)
and as Hittites are scattered, their ironsmiths
spread the knowledge
1200 B.C. Olmec civilization by Gulf of Mexico;
includes written language, use of numbers,
large temples, and intricate statues
1194-1163 B.C. Ramses III, last of great New Kingdom rulers
1190 B.C. Trojan War (between Troy and Mycenae)
1100 B.C. Phoenicians found Cadiz, Iberian Peninsula
1100 B.C. Mycenae falls to invaders
1100-800 B.C. Age of Darkness in Aegean area, Dorian and
Ionian invasions interrupt Mycenaean civilization
1020 B.C. Israelite tribes united under Saul
1000 B.C. Jerusalem becomes Israeli capital
1000 B.C. Saul succeeded by David
972 B.C. Solomon succeeds David
900 B.C. Celts spread through Gaul
900 B.C. First recorded mention of symbol for zero,
in India
883 B.C. Assyrian empire expands
814 B.C. Phoenicians found Carthage
800 B.C. Corinth founded
776 B.C. First Olympic Games
753 B.C. Romulus and Remus found Rome
750 B.C. Homer writing
750 B.C. Caste system firmly established in India
750 B.C. Etruscans expand Italian colonies
750 B.C. Greek colony of Cumae in Italy
734 B.C. Corinth settles Corcyra (Corfu)
732 B.C. Assyria takes Damascus
729 B.C. Assyria takes Babylon
722 B.C. Assyria takes Israel
721 B.C. Sargon II forms last Assyrian dynasty
(but he didn't know it at the time)
715 B.C. Sparta beats Messenia (details at 11) in
First Messenian War
712-612 B.C. Assyrians dominate Fertile Crescent
700 B.C. Assyrians: 150-200,000 in army, with combined
arms field armies of 50,000 mixed infantry,
chariots, and cavalry
700 B.C. Biremes (two banks of oars) developed
700 B.C. Coins used in Lydia (Turkey)
700 B.C. Iron begins replacing copper in Europe
700 B.C. Saddle developed by Scythians (but no
stirrups, yet)
691 B.C. Assyrian 34-mile aqueduct carries water
to Nineveh
689 B.C. Assyrians destroy Babylon after it revolts
688 B.C. Boxing added to Olympics
671 B.C. Assyrians capture part of Egypt
663 B.C. Assyria peaks out
660 B.C. Byzantium (Istanbul) established
650 B.C. First reference of triremes (three rows of oars)
640 B.C. Kingdom of Macedonia started
625 B.C. King Cyaxares unites Median tribes
624 B.C. Horse racing added to Olympics
616 B.C. Etruscan king Tarquinius Priscus rules Rome
612 B.C. Medes and Babylonians sack Nineveh, and
Assyrian empire falls
610-545 B.C. Greek scientist/philosopher Thales of
Miletus teaches value of using reason and
observation to understand the world
609 B.C. Necho II is Pharaoh of Egypt, Necho canal
links Nile with Red Sea
605-562 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar II extends his empire and
builds the Hanging Gardens
600 B.C. Greek colony of Poseidonia (Paestum), Italy
600 B.C. Greek colony of Massilia (Marseilles)
600-509 B.C. Estruscan dominance of Rome
600 B.C. Chinese practice cultivating crops in rows
and hoeing intensively -- not practiced in
Europe widely until 18th century
594 B.C. The archon named Solon brings BIG social
reform to Athens. Archons were among chief
magistrates of Athens. Solon brought laws
which ended enslavement for debt, intro-
duced right of appeal, amended methods for
contracts and taxation, and reduced powers
of hereditary aristocracy over the poor --
setting stage for later class struggles.
His name became term commonly used to
describe any wise lawgiver.
586 B.C. Chaldeans under Nebuchadnezzar II destroy
Jerusalem, and take Jews into captivity
585 B.C. Greek scientist/philosopher Thales of
Miletus predicts solar eclipse
563-483 B.C. Buddha
561 B.C. Peisistratus is tyrant of Athens, meaning
one who rules without legal warrant, but
not necessarily good or evil ruler
556-539 B.C. Nabonidus, King of Babylon, is first known
archaeologist (he didn't have to dig far)
551 B.C. Birth of Confucius, Chinese philosopher who
taught you should treat others as you would
be treated
551-478 B.C. Confucius
550 B.C. Lao-Tzu outlines philosophy of Taoism
550 B.C. First Greek plays
539 B.C. Cyrus the Great (Persian) conquers Babylon
537 B.C. Persians free Jews from Babylonian rule
530 B.C. Cyrus the Great killed in battle
525 B.C. Persians under Cambyses II (son of Cyrus)
whip Egypt
512 B.C. Darius I (Persian) conquers Byzantium (do
you think he called himself "the first"?)
510 B.C. Spartan king Cleomenes I overthrows
Athenian tyrant Hippias
509 B.C. Rome becomes republic after throwing out
the last king
507 B.C. Cleisthenes gives democracy to Athens
500 B.C. First record of use of bow and arrow in
North America, perhaps brought from Asia
500 B.C. "The Art of War," by Sun Tzu, mentions
powerful crossbows firing arrows
500 B.C. Persian Empire near its peak
499-448 B.C. Greek-Persian War
494 B.C. Spartan king Cleomenes I defeats city of
493 B.C. Rome allied with Latin League, the group
of cities in the Latium district around
490 B.C. Corinth foils plan of Spartan king
Cleomenes I to reinstall Hippias as
tyrant of Athens (apparently Cleomenes
thought Hippias would be easier to handle
than a democratic Athens)
490 B.C. Greeks bust Persian chops at Marathon
490 B.C. Battle of Marathon: 24,000 Persians vs 10,000
Greeks; 6,400 Persian dead, 192 Athenians dead
490-486 B.C. Massive Persian preparations for going
after Greece again
486 B.C. Egypt revolts against Persia, delaying
Darius' rematch with Greece
485 B.C. Darius dies and Xerxes, his son, is king
of Persia
484 B.C. Persians put down Egyptian revolt
480 B.C. Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus
480 B.C. Carthaginian sea captain, Hanno, explores
coast of West Africa with his fleet
480 B.C. Greek philosopher Pythagoras of Samos dies
(but left us his theorem)
480 B.C. Xerxes builds bridge across Hellespont, using
774 anchored boats
480 B.C. Greeks get big navy win over Persians at
Salamis, and Xerxes has a ringside seat
480 B.C. Persians squeak by Thermopylae, beat
Greeks, and loot and burn Athens (sounds
like a soccer game, with fans)
480 B.C. Xerxes goes back to Persia, leaving
Mardonius to mop up the Greek war
479-431 B.C. Golden Age of Athens
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479 B.C. Aristides and Pausanias lead Greeks over
Persians at Plataea, destroying Mardonius
and his army
479 B.C. Greeks land in Asia Minor and defeat
Persian force at Mycale (Greeks lead the
series 4-1 )
478 B.C. Delian League established to maintain Greek
naval supremacy in Aegean, get Persians off
Greek islands, and free Greek colonies in
Asia Minor
469-399 B.C. Socrates
466 B.C. Greek Cimon defeats Persians at Eurymedon,
final battle to free Greeks in Asia Minor
465 B.C. Xerxes assassinated; son Artaxerxes I
succeeds him
460 B.C. Pericles influential in Athens
460-359 B.C. Hippocrates
460-445 B.C. FIRST PELOPONNESIAN WAR, between Athens
and Corinth-Sparta
450 B.C. Some of Delian League think Persian threat
is gone; they try to quit; they sleep with
the fishes when Athens says "NO"
450 B.C. Delian League becomes essentially Athenian
empire, provoking fear and opposition in
Sparta, Corinth, Thebes, and other cities
447 B.C. Parthenon construction started
445 B.C. "Thirty-Year Peace," initiated by Pericles,
ends First Peloponnesian War
445 B.C. Rome removes ban on marriage between
patricians and plebeians
435 B.C. Naval war between Corinth and Corcyra
(Corfu): Corinth allied with Sparta;
Corcyra allied with Athens
433 B.C. Athens intervenes in naval war between
Corinth and Corcyra
432 B.C. Sparta declares war against Athens
432 B.C. Parthenon finished
431 B.C. Athens can put forth 13,000 hoplites; 16,000
older garrison soldiers; 1,200 mounted men;
and 1,600 archers
431-421 B.C. The Archidamian War, first phase of Second
Peloponnesian War
431-430 B.C. Sparta ravages Attica
430 B.C. Herodotus writes History of Persian Wars
(if you want to look good in history, you
better write it)
430 B.C. Pestilence hits Athens, behind her walls,
and one fourth of population dies
429 B.C. Pericles dies from the pestilence
427 B.C. Revolts of Corcyra and Lesbos against
427 B.C. First Sicilian expedition by Athens
427 B.C. Sparta and Thebes destroy Plataea, Athens' ally
425 B.C. Athenians under Cleon and Demosthenes win
at Pylos and Sphacteria, an island off
southwestern Greek coast, and capture
Spartan prisoners. Sparta sues for peace
425 B.C. Oedipus Rex, play by Sophocles, performed
(Greece enters its Freudian period)
424 B.C. Boetians use flame thrower against wooden walls
of Delium
424-422 B.C. Spartan general Brasidas leads expedition
into Thrace to strike at Athenian posses-
sions in that region
422 B.C. Spartan general Brasidas and Athenian
general Cleon killed at Amphipolis
421-413 B.C. Peace of Nicias and Sicilian Expedition,
second phase of Second Peloponnesian War
421 B.C. Athens can put forth 1,300 hoplites and
1,000 horsemen
421 B.C. Peace of Nicias, between Spartan and
Athenian sides, scheduled to last 50 years
... but sporadic fighting continues
418 B.C. Sparta wins A BIG ONE at Battle of Mantinea
418 B.C. Melian Dialogue, where Athens discusses the
punishment island of Melos should get for
misbehavin' -- the decision, kill all the
415 B.C. Athenians send an expedition to conquer
Sicily (as foreboding music plays)
415 B.C. Alcibiades defects to Sparta
414-404 B.C. The Ionian War, the final phase of the
Second Peloponnesian War
414 B.C. Sparta joins Syracuse against Athens
413 B.C. Sparta establishes fort at Decelea,
defeats Athenian force in Great Harbor of
Syracuse; captures and kills Nicias and
412 B.C. Athenian counterattacks bring victories at
Chinos and Miletus
412-411 B.C. Some of Athenian allies revolt, Persians
join Spartan side, Athens raises another
the same guy who earlier betrayed Athens to
Sparta (these Athenians would be good to
have on your parole board)
411 B.C. Athenian naval victory over Spartan fleet
at Hellespont
411 B.C. End of Thucydides' History
410 B.C. Alcibiades whoops a joint Spartan and
Persian force, Sparta suggests peace,
Athens refuses (greed is an ugly thing)
409 B.C. Carthaginians attack and seize cities in
Sicily (Athens could have used these guys)
408 B.C. Persian king Darius II sends his younger
son Cyrus to govern Asia Minor, and help
Sparta against Athens
408-407 B.C. Sparta allied with Persia
406 B.C. Carthaginians continue conquest of Sicily
405 B.C. Athenian fleet almost totally destroyed by
Spartan admiral Lysander, when he catches
it on the beach at Aegospotami (triremes
normally came to shore at night, but you
don't want to sleep later than opponent)
405 B.C. Athens besieged
405 B.C. Dionysius (not a Carthaginian) becomes
ruler in Syracuse
404 B.C. Athens surrenders
the winner
404 B.C. Egypt gains independence from Persia
401-400 B.C. Cyrus the Younger leads expedition against
his older brother Artaxerxes (now ruler of
400 B.C. Cyrus the Younger dies in battle, and his
10,000 Greek mercenaries fight long route
back to Black Sea, through Persian army
and a bunch of other folks ("Retreat of
the Ten Thousand" written of by Xenophon)
400 B.C. Greek physician Hippocrates active
400 B.C. Greek philosopher Democritus suggests world
is made up of tiny particles called atoms
400 B.C. Greek gastraphetes ("belly shooter"), early
large crossbow, used as heavy artillery
400 B.C. Trace harness developed in China. The concept,
of a yoke across the chest with traces
connected, may have originated in use with
humans used to pull boats on canals. The
harness will arrive in Europe in 568 A.D.
400 B.C. Cast iron in use in China. Would be in use
in Scandinavia by late 8th century A.D. and
throughout Europe by 1380 A.D.
399 B.C. Socrates executed for being impious and
contributing to the delinquency of minors
(ah, back when crime didn't pay)
399-394 B.C. Spartans war against Persians in Asia Minor
(how quickly those allies are forgotten)
397 B.C. Dionysius successfully defends Syracuse
against Carthaginians
397 B.C. Dionysius uses siege towers and catapults
against Motya
396 B.C. Rome's first biggie -- destroying Etruscan
city of Veii
394-393 B.C. Athenian admiral Conon, aided by a Persian
fleet, defeats Spartans and restores
fortifications of Athens
390 B.C. Gallic king Brennus sacks Rome and burns
it, and also smashes many of Rome's
northern allies (payback to come later)
390 B.C. First known kite, in China
387 B.C. Plato founds Academy
387-386 B.C. Persian king helps Greeks negotiate peace
386 B.C. Thebans and Athenians renew war with Sparta
371 B.C. Theban king Epaminondas defeats Spartans at
Leuctra; Thebes dominates Greece.
370 B.C. Plato writes The Republic
362 B.C. Athens and Sparta form alliance against
362 B.C. Theban king Epaminondas wins big victory
at Mantinea, but is killed, and Theban
power quickly peters out
359-336 B.C. Philip II is king of Macedonia, having
earlier been a hostage and student of
Epaminondas, at Thebes, where Philip took
lots of notes
359 B.C. Philip II begins thorough training program
for Macedonian army
350 B.C. Philip II of Macedon organizes special
military engineer group
343 B.C. Rome begins Samnite wars, which last 50
years but secure central Italy
342-270 B.C. Epicurus and followers, Epicureans,
advocating less dependence on material things
341 B.C. Persians reconquer Egypt
339 B.C. Philip II of Macedonia defeats Athens and
Thebes at Chaeronea, establishing
Macedonian dominion over Greece
338 B.C. Rome defeats Latin League (old ally of
Rome, there's a lesson here) in Latin Wars
338-146 B.C. Hellenistic Age
336 B.C. Philip II assassinated; Alexander succeeds
336-323 B.C. Alexander rules
336 B.C. Rumors of Alexander's death (while he is
fighting northern barbarians) cause several
Greek cities to revolt
336 B.C. Alexander comes home, quickly destroys
Thebes, and convinces the other cities that
rumors of his death are greatly exaggerated
334 B.C. Alexander crosses Hellespont and wins the
Battle of Granicus, opening Asia to him
333 B.C. Alexander defeats Persian king Darius III
at Battle of Issus
333 B.C. Alexander lays siege to Tyre in Phoenicia
332 B.C. Alexander captures Tyre, Gaza, and Egypt
332 B.C. Alexander founds Alexandria in Egypt (one
of over 20 towns by that name which he founded
-- not very original, is he?)
331 B.C. Alexander defeats Darius III at Gaugamela or
Battle of Arbela: Darius III has army of
300,000 infantry; 40,000 cavalry; 250 chariots;
and 50 elephants -- beaten by Alex and 60,000
327 B.C. Alexander invades India
323 B.C. Alexander dies at Babylon; the Diadochi
("successors" in Greek) seek to control
the empire
323 B.C. Alexander's general Ptolemy I gets Egypt
and Palestine
312 B.C. Romans begin building the Via Appia
(Appian Way)
305 B.C. Seleucus I Nicatur (the Conqueror) is king
of Macedonia
300 B.C. Greek mathematician Euclid active
300 B.C. Bantu people spread over eastern and
southern Africa
287-211 B.C. Archimedes
279 B.C. Greeks block Gauls at Thermopylae
270 B.C. Greek astronomer, Aristarchus, states the
Earth revolves around the sun
270-230 B.C. Alexandrian mathematician, Ctesibius,
invents the organ, the water pump, the
spring, and the valve
264-241 B.C. First Punic War
264 B.C. Carthage occupies Sicily, starting First
Punic War with Rome
264 B.C. Adulis in Ethiopia is large trade center
for trade between Africa and Arabia, with
goods from Europe and India as well
264-100 B.C. Frequent bouts of pirates in greater
Mediterranean Sea
256 B.C. Romans besiege Carthage, but are beaten
255 B.C. Roman fleet of 248 ships sunk in storm off
Cape Pachymus, losing 100,000+ men, fifteen
percent of military age men in Italy
250 B.C. Greek mathematician, Archimedes, states
laws of specific gravity
241 B.C. Romans defeat Carthaginians, ending the
First Punic War
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Co-Owner/Webmaster, Top40-Charts.com | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
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130 B.C. List of Seven Wonders of the World, by
poet Antipater of Sidon, comes out to rave
reviews and goes to the top of the charts
121 B.C. Rome gains control of Gallic settlement of
Nimes (from which we got "de Nimes" or
"denims," which is French for "the pants
you wear to look cool")
119 B.C. Han dynasty in China nationalizes natural
gas, cast iron, and salt industries. The
natural gas was gotten by deep drilling
and used primarily to heat and speed
evaporation of the brine in the salt works.
111 B.C. China's Han dynasty annexes Annam
(northern Vietnam)
106 B.C. Rome takes Gallic city of Tolosa (Toulouse)
105 B.C. Roman army adopts training methods used in
gladiator schools
105 B.C. Rome conquers Numidia (hey, weren't they an
ally just a few lines ago?)
100 B.C. Greek grammarian Dionysius Thrax publishes
Art of Grammar
95 B.C. Armenia, under Tigranes I, begins to expand
91 B.C. Rome and allies begin Social War (isn't
that an oxymoron?) -- allies revolted
against Rome, and Rome declared that those
who submitted to Rome would have Roman
89 B.C. Roman citizenship rights granted throughout
87 B.C. Rome captured by rebels in civil war
82 B.C. Roman general Sulla, using his private
army, recaptures Rome and becomes dictator
in an attempt to restore the oligarchy --
a dictator was usually a chief magistrate
with supreme authority, usually appointed
by Senate, usually in times of emergency,
and usually for a term of six months
80 B.C. Sulla smashes Etruscans; then they become
Roman citizens
77 B.C. First "encyclopedia"...Pliny the Elder's
Historia Naturalis
73 B.C. Gladiator Spartacus leads uprising of
around 40,000+ fugitive Roman slaves
71 B.C. Spartacus killed at Lucania by Roman
general Marcus Licinius Crassus
63 B.C. Roman general Pompey conquers Palestine
60 B.C. Pompey, Crassus, and Julius Caesar form
First Roman Triumvirate
59 B.C. Acta diurna, a news gazette, published
in Rome
58 B.C. Julius Caesar invades Gaul, starting
Gallic Wars
58-52 B.C. Gallic Wars
57 B.C. Julius Caesar defeats the Belgae, in
present day Belgium
55 B.C. Julius Caesar invades Britain
52 B.C. Vercingetorix unifies Gallic tribes
against Rome
51 B.C. Julius Caesar conquers Gaul, ending the
Gallic War (on a galling note for Gauls)
50 B.C. Glassblowing in Phoenicia
49 B.C. Julius Caesar crosses Rubicon into Italy,
starting a civil war
48 B.C. Julius Caesar beats Pompey at Pharsalus
(Pompey flees to Egypt, where he is
48 B.C. Egyptian civil war between Ptolemy III
and his sister Cleopatra
47 B.C. New Year starts on January 1st for first
time, with new Roman calendar
47 B.C. Caesar arrives in Egypt, with army, ...
and likes Cleopatra ... a LOT
47 B.C. Ptolemy killed
46 B.C. Caesar appointed dictator of Rome
44 B.C. Caesar assassinated
43 B.C. Mark Anthony, Octavian (Augustus), and
Lepidus are Second Roman Triumvirate
43-41 B.C. War of the Second Triumvirate (Rome)
42 B.C. Octavian and Mark Anthony defeat Brutus
and Cassius at Philippi (these two were
among the alleged killers of Caesar)
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9 German tribal chief Armenius in Teutoberg Forest
massacres three Roman legions (about 20,000)
43-85 Rome goes after Britain
50 Front and rear grid sights used on Chinese
crossbows -- greatly improved accuracy
64 1st persecution of Christians in Roman Empire
66-70 Jewish-Roman War
70 Jerusalem destroyed
74 Fall of Masada (Jews) to Rome
100 Repeating crossbow in China
117 Roman Empire to the max with Emperor
Trajan's successful campaigns
122 Romans begin Hadrian's Wall
132-135 Jewish revolt against Rome
139-142 Roman campaign in Britain/ Antonine Wall
162-166 Parthian War (with Rome)
166-175 First German War (with Rome)
177-180 Second German War (with Rome)
178 Chinese use "tear gas" (lime smoke) to suppress
peasant revolt
193-197 Roman civil war
208-211 Roman campaigns in Britain
235-284 "The Anarchy" Roman civil war
260 Alamanni move into Alvergne country
260 Franks move into Spain
260 Goths cross Danube in large numbers
298 Defeat of Persians by Rome
302 Chinese pottery pictures depict metal stirrup
in use on horses. They may have been in
use for a century or more, perhaps from
origins with the horse-centric people of the
303-313 Widespread persecution of Christians
306-337 Constantine era in Roman world
312 Milvian Bridge (first false teeth?), outside
Rome's city walls, collapses as Maxentius
and his troops retreat across it toward the
safety of the walls. Max and his armored
cavalry drown. Constantine is victor and
accepted as emperor of the Western Empire.
He said it was "divine inspiration" from
his new faith in the Christian God.
324-337 Constantine rules all of Roman world
326-330 Constantine moves capital to Constantinople
351 Battle of Mursa (Roman)
363 Julian (Roman) invades Persia
392-395 Christianity is sole official religion of the
Roman Empire
406 Collapse of Rome's Rhine Frontier
410 Rome sacked by Visigoths
410-442 Roman occupation of England ends
429 Vandals invade Africa
439 Vandals take Carthage
450 England begins being invaded big time by Saxons,
Angles, and Jutes
455 Rome sacked by Vandals
476 End of Western Roman Empire
481-511 Clovis is King of Franks
493-526 Theodoric, Ostrogoth, is King of northern Italy
568-774 Lombards rule northern Italy
568 Avars (from the East) invade Hungary, bringing to
Europe the trace harness and stirrup. The harness
made it through Europe as far as Ireland by the
8th century. It increased the pulling capacity of
horses by a factor of 6 or more.
570-632 Mohammed
624-982 Muslim conquests
630 Mohammed takes Mecca
632 Mohammed dies, after unifying most of Arabia
632-644 Moslems capture Syria, Palestine, and Egypt
673-678 Moslems turned back from Constantinople
698 Carthage falls to Moslems
708 Berbers fall to Moslems
711-713 Moslems take Spain from Visigoths
717-718 Moslems turned back from Constantinople, again
732 Battle of Tours, stops Moslem expansion into France
750 Large winch-armed multi-arrow Chinese crossbow with
range of 1160 yards, hand-held 500 yds, horseback 330
768-804 Campaigns of Charlemagne
771-814 Charlemagne is King of Franks
772-803 Charlemagne wars against Saxons
774 Charlemagne defeats Lombards
777 Charlemagne roams around Spain
787 Charlemagne takes Bavaria
800-1453 High Middle Ages (between Dark Ages and Renaissance)
800-814 Charlemagne is Emperor of Romans
827 Moslems invade Sicily
829 Egbert unites seven Saxon kingdoms
843 Treaty of Verdun breaks up Charlemagne's Empire
862 Norse take part of Russia
865-879 Great Viking Army in England
871-900 Alfred the Great ruler of England
885 Vikings besiege Paris, but have no fashion sense
896 Magyar invasions into eastern Europe
900-1300 Europe dominated by feudalism
900 Paper money used by merchants in Szechuan, China
962 Otto I is crowned Emperor of Holy Roman Empire
1000 Leif Erickson sails to America
1017-1042 Normans take Sicily and southern Italy
1023 First governmental currency reserve bank,
in China, with notice on the money stating it
was only good for 3 years (carrying expiration
dates a little far, aren't we) -- counterfeiting
carried the death penalty. First Western paper
money issued in Sweden in 1661, America in 1690,
France in 1720, England in 1797, and Germany in
1806 -- though Marco Polo wrote of it in 1270's.
1042-1066 Edward the Confessor ruler of England
1044 Gasoline-based flamethrowers common in China
(generating a lot of stir-fried enemies). Also in
use are exploding arrows and aerial bombs, primarily
to stun the enemy and cause confusion
1054 Eastern and Western Churches split
1056-1106 Henry IV rules Germany, is at odds with Pope
1066 Battle of Hastings
1066 Norman conquest of England begins with Battle of
1072-1090 Christians expel Moors from most of Spain
1077 Henry IV submits to Pope Gregory VII
1078 Jerusalem falls to Seljuk Turks
1096-1102 First Crusade
1099 Jerusalem falls to crusaders (1st Crusade)
1100 Crossbows common in Europe, range 300 meters
1139 Pope Innocent II forbids use of crossbows
against Christians
1147-1149 Second Crusade
1150 Chinese publication describes how to make your own
rocket-powered bowless arrow, covered in poison,
fired from a single tube or launcher box
1154-1214 Angevin-Capetian Wars
1160 Welsh longbow has range of 250 meters, more accurate
than crossbow, and with four times the rate of fire
1182-1226 St. Francis of Assisi
1184 Paved streets in Paris
1187 Battle of Hattin (2nd Crusade)
1189-1192 Third Crusade
1190-1402 Mongol Wars
1191 Battle of Arsuf (3rd Crusade)
1202-1204 Fourth Crusade
1204 Sack of Constantinople, a Christian city, by
the Christian crusaders (4th Crusade)
1206-1227 Genghis Khan on the prowl
1209 Cambridge University founded
1212-1250 Frederick II is ruler of Germany and Sicily
1215 Magna Carta signed
1215 Peking taken by Mongols
1216-1272 Henry III rules England
1218-1221 Fifth Crusade
1220-1250 Frederick II rules Holy Roman Empire
1221 Cast iron bombshells in China (1467 in Europe)
1225-1274 Thomas Aquinas
1228-1229 Sixth Crusade
1237-1240 Mongols conquer Russia
1238-1241 Mongol invasion of Europe
1242 Roger Bacon works on gunpowder formula
1248-1254 Seventh Crusade
1250-1517 Mameluke Dynasty in Egypt
1258 Bagdad sacked by Mongols, overthrowing Abbasid
1260 Mongol emperors in China distrusted native Chinese
and developed civil service of Mongols, Arabs,
and Europeans (greatly aided tech transfer to West)
1266 Opus Maius of Roger Bacon
1266 Polo bros. sans Marco take first trip to Cathay
1266 Pope Clement IV requests copy of Roger Bacon's
manuscript (but he took the final exam on his own)
1270 Eighth Crusade
1271-1295 Marco Polo expeditions
1273-1291 Rudolf is first Hapsburg Emperor
1276 Colored signal flares used to signal troops in
1277 Powerful exploding land mines used in China
(appeared in Europe in Pisa-Florence war of 1403)
1250-1280 First true guns in China (in Europe by 1320's)
1291 First Swiss Confederation
1293 Paper manufactured in Bologna
1295 Model Parliament in England
1298 Hanseatic League started
1300-1500 Venice dominates commerce of Western world
1302 First meeting of Estates General in France
1304-1374 Petrarch lives
1320 Four-stage anti-ship rockets used in China, with
range up to 1800 yards, designed to fly 3 to 4 feet
above the water
1326 1st illustration of cannon in the West
1337-1453 Hundred Years' War between France and England
1339 Battle of Laupen, Swiss infantry defeated mounted
knights, using Macedonian style phalanx, with
18 ft pikes
1340 Battle of Sluys (Hundred Years' War)
1340-1400 Geoffrey Chaucer
1346 Battle of Crecy (Hundred Years' War) demonstrates
cavalry's vulnerability to long-range longbow
1346 English use cannon at Crecy
1348-1349 The Black Death
1350-1355 Economic war between Genoa and Venice
1350 Steel crossbows common in Europe
1353 Ottoman Turks cross Dardanelles to the Balkans
1356 Battle of Poitiers (Hundred Years' War)
1364 Battle of Perugia, handheld firearms
1375 Firearms common in Europe
1380 Wycliffe's translation of New Testament
1381 Peasants' Revolt in England
1386 Unification of Lithuania and Poland
1388 1st Urban Sanitary Act by English Parliament
1389 Battle of Kossovo
1390 Heavy smoothbore German gun, arquebus, needs
stand to hold it while firing, uses slow burning
cord for ignition
1397 Unification of Denmark and Norway
1410 Canister artillery rounds
1411 Simple matchlock
1412 Use of sea mines declassified and talked about
freely in China
1415 Oct 26, Battle of Agincourt
1438 Hapsburgs return at top as Holy Roman Emperors
1453 Constantinople falls to Ottoman Turks
1453 Final defeat of Byzantines by Ottoman armies
(using cannon extensively)
1455-1485 War of the Roses
1476-1477 Swiss-Burgundian Wars
1477 Caxton's printing press set up in England
1490 First true field artillery, French mount bronze
cannon on carriages
1492 Granada falls, the last Moslem stronghold in Spain
1492 Lorenzo de Medici dies
1493-1519 Maximillian heads Holy Roman Empire
1500 Grenades first used, limited effect
1500 Leonardo da Vinci sketches wheellock mechanism
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1503 Battle of Cerignola, handheld firearms have impact
1504 "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci
1508 Michelangelo does the Sistine Chapel
1509 Henry VIII of England marries Catherine of Aragon
1513 The Prince written by Machiavelli (not published
until 1532)
1515 "Sister Madonna" by Raphael
1517 Luther posts Ninety-Five Theses
1518 Wheellocks banned within Holy Roman Empire
1519 Cortez enters Mexico City
1519-1522 Magellan's ship goes around the world
1520 Luther burns Papal Bull
1520-1566 Suleiman the Magnificent rules from Bagdad to Hungary
1525 Tyndale translates New Testament into English
1526 Suleiman the Magnificent defeats Hungarians
1527 German troops pillage Rome
1529 Ottoman conquest of Europe stopped at Vienna
1531-1537 Pizarro defeats Incas
1533 Henry VIII marries Anne Boleyn
1534-1535 Jacques Cartier in America
1536 Anne Boleyn divorced, executed, causing break with
1536-1539 Henry VIII seizes monasteries in England
1540 Cartier sails up St. Lawrence
1540 Pistols
1543 Portuguese take matchlock guns to Japan
1545 Council of Trent opened
1547 Henry VIII dies
1547 Ivan III heads up Russia
1549 First Jesuit missionaries to South America
1550 Rifling in some guns
1550 Chinese mortars fire shells which explode to
cover ground with poison-covered sharp
metal objects
1554 England reconciles with Papacy
1562-1598 English religious wars
1567-1648 Netherlands War of Independence
1570 Heavy muskets popular (with a rest)
1571 Sea battle of Lepanto, Christians defeat Turks,
marks supplanting of oared galleys by heavily
gunned galleons
1577-1580 Drake circumnavigates globe
1580 Kepler and Brahe publish astronomical tables
1587 Execution of Mary Stuart
1588 Spanish Armada suffers ill wind
1603 Dutch East India Company organized
1605 Don Quixote, Part 1, printed
1607 Galileo discovers satellites of Jupiter
1607 Jamestown
1608 Quebec founded
1610 True flintlocks
1611 King James Bible published
1618-1648 Thirty Years' War
1620 During Thirty Years' War, Gustavus Adolphus
standardizes manufacture and size (millimeter
caliber) of rifles and shot, and cannon and shot;
and standard efficient artillery firing procedures
1620 Gustavus Adolphus (Sweden) uses light,
leather-bound cannon
1624-1627 Richelieu controls France (he dies in 1648)
1630-1631 Battle of Magdeburg (Thirty Years' War)
1632 Battle of Luetzen (Thirty Years' War)
1635 Peace of Prague
1637 Japan excludes foreigners
1640 Bayonet in use
1640 Portugal wins independence from Spain
1642-1646 First English Civil War (Great Rebellion), also
called Bishops' War, with Charles I and the Scots
versus Parliament and their backers
1643 French and Swedes attack Bavaria
1644 Battle of Marston Moor (1st English Civil War)
1644 Manchu dynasty in China
1645 Battle of Naseby (1st English Civil War)
1648 Peace of Westphalia recognizes Holland's
independence from Spain (de facto since 1609)
1648-1651 Second English Civil War, continuation of fighting
for power by Charles I (1648) and Charles II later
1649 Liquidation of Russian Duma
1649 Monarchy abolished in England and Commonwealth
1651 English Navigation Act
1651 Leviathon written by Hobbes
1652 Anglo-Dutch Naval War
1654 Portuguese take Brazil from Dutch
1655-1658 Military rule in England, with Cromwell in charge
1664 English push Dutch from North America
1666 French Academy of Science founded
1667 Russia takes most of Ukraine
1670 French "Organ gun" machine gun, rows of barrels
1682 La Salle claims Louisiana Territory for France
1682 Pennsylvania founded
1687 Principia written by Newton
1688 "The Glorious Revolution" overthrow of Catholic
James II, by his daughter Mary II and her Dutch
Protestant husband William III. In 1689 the
joint sovereigns (Bill and Mary) acquiesced to
a Bill of Rights, opening way for constitutional
1688-1697 War of the League of Augsburg
1689 Peter I, Tsar of Russia
1689-1692 War of the Glorious Revolution
1689 Battle of Londonderry (War of the Glorious Revolution)
1690 Treatises on Government written by Locke
1699 English factory in Canton
1700-1721 Great Northern War
1700s Hand grenade appears widely
1701-1714 War of Spanish Succession
1709 Battle of Pultava (Great Northern War)
1713-1714 Peace of Utrecht
1715 Louis XIV (Fr.) dies
1717 Well-Tempered Clavichord by Bach
1720 Texas under Spanish rule
1721 Walpole is Prime Minister of England
1732 Georgia founded
1733 War of Polish Succession
1738 Methodism founded
1740 Maria Theresa is Empress
1740 Frederick the Great (Prussia) introduced mobile,
horse artillery (no, horses not fired from guns)
1740-1748 War of Austrian Succession
1741 Messiah by Handel
1746 Battle of Culloden, appearance of fluted bayonet
1748 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle
1751 French publish Encyclopedia
1755 University of Moscow founded
1756-1763 Seven Years' War
1760 French ousted from India
1760 George III is King of England
1762 Catherine II is Tsarina of Russia
1762 The Social Contract written by Rousseau
1763 Treaty of Paris
1764 Hargreave's spinning jenny
1768 Cook's voyage to Pacific
1769 Watt's steam engine
1772 First Partition (aka shrinking) of Poland
1774 First Continental Congress
1775-1783 American Revolution
1775 Battle of Bunker Hill (Amer. Rev.)
1775 Rifles improved in American Revolution
1775 David Bushnell (Amer.) demos dynamite explosion underwater
1776 Bushnell builds one-man sub called Turtle
1776 American Declaration of Independence
1776 Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, by Gibbon
1776 Wealth of Nations, by Smith
1778 French Alliance with America
1781 The Critique of Pure Reason, by Kant
1781 Yorktown surrenders
1782 Rockets by William Congreve (Brit.) used in sea
battles, range 2,000 meters, inaccurate/little damage
1783 Peace of Paris
1784 Mid-air bursting shell, by Lieutenant Henry Shrapnel
1785 Cartwright's power loom
1786 The Marriage of Figaro, by Mozart
1786-1798 Wars in India
1789 French Revolution
1791 Canadian Act
1792 Austria and Prussia fight France
1792 Battery, by Alessandro Volta
1792-1802 French Revolution
1793 "Reign of Terror" in France
1793 Execution of Louis XVI
1793 Second Partition (aka shrinking) of Poland
1793 Whitney's cotton gin
1794 French tethered balloon provided intel about Austrians
at Battle of Fleurus
1795 Directory (France)
1795 Napoleon given command of French army
1795 Third Partition (aka shrinking) of Poland
1796 Death of Catherine II
1798 Napoleon in Egypt
1799 Napoleon is First Consul
1799 Rosetta stone discovered, spurring Egyptology
1803 Louisiana Purchase
1803-1815 Napoleonic Wars
1804 Civil Code in France
1804 Napoleon is Emperor
1805 Battle of Trafalgar
1805 Percussion cap developed by Reverend Alexander Forsyth
1806 Battle of Jena
1806 Confederation of the Rhine
1807 British slave trade illegal
1807 Fulton's steamboat
1807 Percussion ignition patented (Dr. Forsyth)
1808 5th Symphony, by Beethoven
1812 Battle of Leipzig
1812 Cartridge breech-loader patented (Pauly)
1812-1815 War of 1812 (US-Brit)
1815 Congress of Vienna
1815 Waterloo
1819 Britain acquires Singapore
1819 Krupp Co. founded
1820 Italian revolts
1820 Revolt in Spain
1822 Modern camera, recording on glass plates
1823 Monroe Doctrine
1825 Erie Canal
1825 Russian Decembrist uprising
1825 Aluminum first isolated, by Hans Oersted
1828 Russo-Turkish War
1830 French Revolution
1833 British Factory Act
1833 Slavery ends in British Empire
1835 Colt patents his first revolver
1837 Queen Victoria
1839 Anglo-Chinese War
1839 Belgium and Holland separate
1840 Livingstone to Africa
1840 Prussians use needle gun
1843 US develops a controlled mine (not mind)
1845 Texas in Union
1846-1848 US-Mexican War
1847 Battle of Vera Cruz (US-Mexican War)
1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
1849 Minie ball bullet developed
1849 Austrians tried to use unmanned balloons to drop
bombs on Venetians, paper balloons with 30 pound
fused bombs, little damage done
1850 Minie rifles begin replacing smoothbore muskets
1850 Screw propeller for ships
1852 Henri Giffard (Fr.) flew propeller powered balloon
with 3 h.p. engine
1853 Taiping Rebellion
1853-1856 Crimean War
1854 Battle of Balaclava (Crimean War)
1854 Battle of Sebastopol (Crimean War)
1854 In Crimean, 1st use of rifled, breech-loading cannon
by British
1854 Perry, treaty with Japan
1855 French introduce iron plating on wooden ship hulls
1857-1858 Indian Mutiny
1858 French go with rifled artillery
1858 Second Anglo-Chinese War
1858 Aerial photos, from balloon, by Gaston Tournachon
1859 First armored ship, frigate La Gloire (Fr.)
with 110 mm iron plates
1859 Lead-acid battery developed by Gaston Plante'
1859-1870 Unification of Italy
1860 British H.M.S. Warrior, first iron-hulled (not plated)
1860 Nitro-cellulose (gun-cotton) explosive developed
by Christian Schoenbein
1861-1865 American Civil War
1861 Battle of Ft Sumter (US Civil War)
1861 Battle of First Bull Run (US Civil War)
1861 Emancipation of Russian serfs
1861 Kingdom of Italy proclaimed
1862 Battle of Antietam (US Civil War)
1862 Battle of Second Bull Run (US Civil War)
1862 Battle of Shiloh (US Civil War)
1862 Bismarck is Prussian Minister/Pres.
1862 Chemically triggered contact mines developed
1862 Gatling gun
1862 Merrimac and Monitor, end of wooden men-of-war
1863 Battle of Chancellorsville (US Civil War)
1863 Battle of Chickamauga (US Civil War)
1863 Battle of Gettysburg (US Civil War)
1863 Battle of Vicksburg (US Civil War)
1864 Danish War
1864-1865 Battle of Petersburg (US Civil War)
1866 Austro-Prussian War
1866 Self-propelled torpedoes introduced
1867 Alaska purchased
1867 Dominion of Canada declared
1869 Suez Canal opened
1870 Compulsory education in Britain
1870 Franco-German War
1870 French use mitrailleuse, 25-barrel machine gun,
125 rds/min, 2000 yds
1870 Italy takes Rome
1870 Modern firing pin introduced in Prussian
Dreyse "needle gun"
1870 During seige of Paris, Krupp Co. developed 37mm
antiaircraft gun to try to shoot down French balloons
1870-71 French free-flight balloons, from Paris, carried
microfilm messages and homing pigeons for replies
1871 Franco-Prussian War, breech-loading rifle
standard in Europe
1871 German Empire declared
1871 Third French Republic
1873 Economic Depression
1874 Barbed wire machine developed by Joseph Glidden (Amer.)
1875 British control Suez Canal
1875 Smokeless ballistite by Alfred Nobel
1875 Spool film (100 exposure), by Leon Warnerke
1876 Telephone, by Bell
1877 French develop timed fuses for artillery shells
1877 Russo-Turkish War
1877 Victoria declared Empress of India
1878 Treaty of Berlin
1879 Austro-German Alliance
1879 Electric lamp, by Edison
1879 16' submarine, by John Philip Holland, Irish-American
1880-1881 First Boer War
1880s Guns as big as 75 tons, firing 1-ton shell 16,000 meters
1881 Tsar Alexander II assassinated
1882 Triple Alliance formed
1882-1889 British Egyptian and Sudan Campaigns
1883 Fabian Society founded
1883 Maxim patents machine gun
1884 Smokeless powder developed by French (just a
pinch between cheek and gum?), more stable
and potent than black powder
1884 Steam turbine developed
1886 French develop smokeless powder cartridges
1888 Konrad Haussner develops long-recoil hydraulic
cylinders which help stabilize artillery, increase
rate of fire and accuracy
1888 William II is German Emperor
1889 Brazil is a Republic
1890 Bismarck resigns
1890 Hiram Maxim's portable machine gun, 600 rds/min
1890 The Influence of Seapower Upon History, by Mahan
1891 British synthesize cordite, new shell explosive
1893 Evolution and Ethics, by Huxley
1894 Franco-Russian Alliance
1894 Sino-Japanese War
1894 Tsar Nicholas II ascends
1895 Gyroscope
1895 X-rays discovered
1897 First Zionist Conference
1898 Russian Social Democratic Party formed
1898 Spanish-American War
1899 "The White Man's Burden," by Kipling
1899 Boer War
1899 Boer War sees use of Maxim's "pom-pom," first
automated cannon
1899 Hague Conference
1899-1902 Second Boer War
Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
Co-Owner/Webmaster, Top40-Charts.com | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
giannopoulos.info: my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog
1900 Hiram Maxim develops portable machine gun
capable of 600 rds/min
1900 Frederick Simms (British) develops armored "war car"
1900 LZ1 rigid airship by Colonel Count von Zeppelin (Ger.)
1900 Labour Party founded in Britain
1900 About 80 percent of world's ships built by British
1901 Transatlantic wireless
1902 Anglo-Japanese Alliance
1903 1st sustained flight by Wright brothers
1903 Bolshevik Party started
1904 Anglo-French Entente
1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War
1905 Einstein's theory of relativity
1905 Moroccan Crisis
1905 Russian Revolution
1905 USS Holland advanced submarine design
1906 Duma in Russia
1906 H.M.S. Dreadnought launched, 17,900 tons, 527'x 82',
ten 12" guns, 27 ea. 12 lb guns, 5 ea. 18" torpedoes,
21 kts, 23,000 hp
1907 Triple Entente
1908 "Young Turk" Revolution
1908 Bosnian Crisis
1909 First warplane delivered to US military
1910 Eugene Eli (Amer.) flew airplane off navy cruiser
1910 Japan annexes Korea
1911 Aircraft landed on a ship
1911 Chinese revolution
1911 Glen Curtis produced first seaplane
1911-1912 Turko-Italian War, in Libya, first military use of
aircraft in war, and Italians first to drop bombs
from a plane in combat
1912 First catapult launch of aircraft from a ship
1912 Royal Flying Corps becomes first official air force
1912-1913 Balkan Wars
1914 Adoption of Home Rule (Br.)
1914-1918 World War I
1914 Battle of First Ypres (WW I)
1914 Battle of Marne (WW I)
1914 Battle of Mons (WW I)
1914 Battle of Tannenberg (WW I)
1914 French formed first Bomber Group, in November
1914 Panama Canal finished
1915 Battle of Neuve Chapelle (WW I)
1915 Battle of Second Ypres (WW I)
1915 Poison gas in canisters ushers in chemical warfare
1915 Fighter aircraft with fixed forward-firing machine guns
1915 British use depth charges, but only effective if within
21 feet of the targeted submarine
1916 Battle of Jutland (WW I)
1916 Battle of Somme (WW I)
1916 Battle of Verdun (WW I)
1916 Irish Easter Rebellion
1916 William Boeing builds his first plane
1917 Battle of Cambrai (WW I), first massed tank attack,
476+ tanks
1917 Battle of Caporetto (WW I)
1917 Battle of Passchendaele (Third Ypres) (WW I)
1917 US joins WW I
1917-1918 Tsar Nicholas II descends
1918 Battle of Amiens (WW I)
1918 Battle of Belleau Wood (WW I)
1918 Battle of Megiddo (WW I)
1918 Battle of Meuse-Argonne (WW I)
1918 Battle of Saint-Mihiel (WW I)
1918 Royal Air Force formed, combining Royal Naval Air Service
and Royal Flying Corps
1918 First true aircraft carrier, HMS Argus (not used in WW I)
1919 Paris Peace Treaty
1919 In Afghan Wars, British use aircraft and armored cars
1919 Over 200,000 aircraft have been built worldwide
1920 League of Nations formed
1921 Washington Conference
1922 Washington Naval Treaty, constrained building battleships,
but left open building of carriers
1922 China Nine Power Treaty
1922 Irish Free State declared
1923 French occupy Ruhr
1923 Lectures in Psychoanalysis, by Freud
1924 Dawes Plan
1924 Lenin dies
1925 Locarno
1927 Chiang Kai-shek unites China
1927 Lindbergh flies Atlantic
1928 First Russian Five Year Plan
1929 Great Depression (not so great)
1929 Papal sovereignty restored
1930 Television (seeds of couch potatoes)
1931 Spanish Republic
1931-1945 Sino-Japanese War
1933 FDR takes office, New Deal begins
1933 Hitler rules Germany
1933 Japan and Germany quit the League
1934 First airborne division, in Russia
1935 Abyssinian War
1935 Russian T-34 tank produced
1935-1937 US Neutrality Acts
1936 Nazis occupy Rhineland
1936 Rome-Berlin Axis
1936-1939 Spanish Civil War
1937 Battle of Guernica (Spanish Civil War)
1937 Sino-Japanese War
1938 Battle of Ebro River (Spanish Civil War)
1938 Czechoslovakia broken up
1938 Germany seizes Autria
1938-1939 Russo-Japanese border clashes
1939 Soviet-Nazi pact
1939-1945 World War II
1940 Churchill is P.M.
1941 Germany invades Russia
1941 Pearl Harbor
1941 Penicillin discovered
1942 Kalishnikov develops AK47 assault rifle prototype
1942 Bazooka developed by Colonel Skinner, US Army
1944 Electronic variable time fuse developed
1945 Operation Paperclip
1945 A-bomb
1945 Germany partitioned
1945 UN
1945-1949 Chinese Civil War
1945-1949 Indonesian War of Independence
1946 Philippines independent
1946-1954 Indo-China War
1947 "Containment" Doctrine
1947 India independent
1947 Marshall Plan
1947 Study of History, by Toynbee
1948 Berlin Airlift
1948 Israel independent
1948 Yugoslavia breaks with Soviets
1949 China goes communist
1949 Ireland breaks from Britain
1949 NATO
1949 Soviets have the bomb
1950 Battle of Inchon (Korean War)
1950-1953 Korean War
1953 Atomic cannon shells
1953 Coal and Steel Community formed
1953 H-bomb
1953 Stalin dies
1954 Battle of Dien Bien Phu (Indo-China War)
1954 SEATO
1954 US-Japanese Alliance
1954 US intervention in Guatemala
1954-1962 Algerian War
1954-1975 Laos Civil War
1955 Austria is independent
1955 Bagdad Pact
1955 Geneva Summit
1955 India-Pakistan War
1955 Warsaw Pact formed
1955 West Germany in NATO
1955-1959 Cyprus
1956 Hungary revolts, gets no help
1956 Macmillan replaces Eden as P.M.
1956 Suez Crisis
1957 Euratom
1957 ICBMs
1957 Sputnik
1958 Boeing 707, 1st successful jetliner
1958 Eur. Econ. Community (Common Market)
1958 Lebanon Civil War
1959-1962 China-India War
1960 Republic of South Africa formed
1960 Soviet manned space flights
1960-1965 Congo Civil War
1961 Bay of Pigs
1961 Berlin Wall goes up
1961-1975 Vietnam War
1962 Albania expelled from Soviet bloc
1962 China invades India
1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
1962 DeGaulle wins election
1962 US manned space flights
1962-1966 Brunei-Borneo confrontation/conflict
1962-1969 Yemen
1963 DeGaulle vetoes British entry into Common Market
1963 Sino-Soviet split
1963 US-UK-USSR Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
1963-1974 Cyprus
1964 Chinese have the bomb, and blow it
1964 Krushchev replaced by Kosygin and Brezhnev
1964-1975 Mozambique War of Independence
1964-1980 Zimbabwe Civil War
1965 C-5A contract awarded
1965 India-Pakistan make bad neighbors
1965-1968 Rolling Thunder bombing offensive (Vietnam)
1967 Arab-Israeli "Six Day" War
1967-1970 Nigerian Civil War
1968 Soviets invade Czechoslovakia
1968 Tet Offensive (Vietnam)
1968-1988 Chad Civil War
1969 Boeing 747 certified airworthy
1972 Linebacker I,II bombing offensives
1973 October "Yom Kipper" Arab-Israeli War
1978-1989 Vietnam Occupation of Cambodia
1980 Caseless ammo gains acceptance
1980-1988 Iran-Iraq War (shades of 2700 B.C.)
1989 December, Berlin Wall opened up
1991 Gulf War
that was a long list, wasnt it?
anyway, for future reference.....Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
Co-Owner/Webmaster, Top40-Charts.com | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
giannopoulos.info: my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog
what about 1848 A.D. when a lot of european countries had revolutions into democracies.
/edit nice list btw<Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!
Don't we need a history subforum in the Miscelaneous section? this is Civ III site and at least vageuly related to history...
Just to have a place to discuss related stuff. Otherwise this thread will go down soon...
You could top it on that forum...Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"
Leif Erickson?
I would spell it either
or Ericsson, but not Erickson.I'll chek what the right spelling is anyway (as soon as I'm home).
Creator of the Civ3MultiTool
Yes, that's a long list, but what is the purpose?
To me it seems a rather random selection of events on a much, much longer list.A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute
9997 B.C. Aborigines in Australia paint on stone portrayal of organized warfare
Seems that they dated their paintings even in prehistory.
Who compiled that list then Markos? I can't believe you'd want to spend all that time doing it.
Is it designed to help people on Civ3 trivia by any chance?One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.
Originally posted by Big Crunch
Who compiled that list then Markos? I can't believe you'd want to spend all that time doing it.
it reminded me of the timeline that was organied here with when was everything invented, so i just posted it for future reference....Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
Co-Owner/Webmaster, Top40-Charts.com | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
giannopoulos.info: my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog