Will you buy it??
No announcement yet.
IF you have to pay separately for multiplayer...
No because it should be bug freeMore importantly it should be Complete to begin with
What next pay for add on pack to get more than two civilizations
“The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
Or do we?
For some reason I can't vote on this one but I would pay for an expansion pack (not a whole new game like MGE) if it had MP and other things like new civilisations, some new editing tools, naughty photos, and so on. I wouldn't pay for only MP because I usually don't use it.
Anyway, I hope MP is a free download from the Civ3 site.Formerly known as Masuro.
The sun never sets on a PBEM game.
It depends on what comes with the expansion pack.(\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
(='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
(")_(") "Starting the fire from within."
I don't know enough to vote in this poll.
First we still are not sure that there will be no MP
Second we are not sure whenever they will release MP as an add-on, fee update or a new game if it aren't included.Creator of the Civ3MultiTool
Originally posted by Gramphos
I don't know enough to vote in this poll.
First we still are not sure that there will be no MP
Second we are not sure whenever they will release MP as an add-on, fee update or a new game if it aren't included.
I speak only for myself when i say that i can wait for multiplayer to come later, but i won't pay for it.
So far, it looks as though if they try and and make us pay for it, it won't sell very wellEither people aren't interested in multiplayer, or they're too insulted to fork out extra money for it. Of course, the poll indicates quite a few exceptions to this, but mostly only if it comes with siginficant extras. The people that will pay extra for multiplayer on it's own are so far very much in the minority.
Are you listening, Firaxis?
Hey lung, I emailed this thread to the askthecivteam@firaxis.com team
C'mon everybody!!!!!Flood there mailboxs full with complaints! Use mutliple mailboxs.....Goad them, say you will never buy the game without MPLAYER, EVER...SCARE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is exactly the trick that Microprose pulled with Civ2!
I never bought Civ2 MP just because of the fact that I regarded it as an outrage that I should have been penalised for being one of the people who bought the Game on release and then found that in order to get the MP version I would, in effect, have to buy the same Game again just to get one additional feature!
It is a total rip-off that is calculated to boost the price at the time when it will be dropping sharply for the original release. Six months after release always sees the price of any Game, however wonderful, fall by at least £15-£20 in the shops as consumer interest falls and the company has to start attracting other than the die-hard enthusiasts.
If they cannot include MP in the initial release then OK but just adding a single feature should be done in the form of a free Mod. For them to be able to announce that there will be an MP version at all must mean that the feature is already written into the base code so that the Game could support it given extra developement time. If ever a company wanted to give legitimacy to Game Piracy then this is exactly the way to go about it!
This not just ripping off consumers but directly abusing the goodwill of their main customer base - the Turn Based Strategy Game Enthusiasts - who they can take for granted will buy the initial release at almost any price.
I say F**K Firaxis, even that bunch of exploitative arseholes Activision behaved better over PBEM in CtP, and if this is the way they go about it I will definitely get a burned copy of the MP version! It is only my general disapproval of Piracy that stops me from going the whole way, but it's a damn close run thing!“Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
- Anon
I agree with what ST Jon says above. The MP add-on should definitively be free.
I never bought Civ II MP for the same reason, why should I have to buy the game twice, to get the same functionality as you would expect from any half-decent game around. If they repeat this way of doing things, it will really piss me off
We are the apt, you will be packaged.