I think natural disasters should be in, but can be turned on/off. Every year Bangladesh is flooded by Hurricanes. On Christmas Day, Darwin in Australia was flattened by a Hurricane (Cyclone Tracy in 1975) and on Easter another year, fires were raging across the continent. London had to be rebuilt after a fire. A big plague was the Black Death where 1 in 3 people in Asia, Europe, Northern Africa died. Japan has trouble with Earthquakes/Tsunamis. Mozambique was flooded last year.
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Natural Disasters
I just decided to play civ1 a little (you now nostalgia...) and in it naturel disasters happen quite often. I really enjoy that. It gives a cool touch of unpredictable dangers. You could also prevent such disasters buy building various city improvments. I really hope that they used it in civ3.
Moreover I dream that they expended the concept to natural and empirewide events . Empirewide so that it touches not only the cities (like a drought for example, or a plague wave..) but the all empire. Events so that it could be good or bad ( a great harvesting can happen too....)
Any comments anyone?
Originally posted by Barnabee
I just decided to play civ1 a little (you now nostalgia...) and in it naturel disasters happen quite often. I really enjoy that. It gives a cool touch of unpredictable dangers. You could also prevent such disasters buy building various city improvments. I really hope that they used it in civ3.
Moreover I dream that they expended the concept to natural and empirewide events . Empirewide so that it touches not only the cities (like a drought for example, or a plague wave..) but the all empire. Events so that it could be good or bad ( a great harvesting can happen too....)
Any comments anyone?
I hope, but I'm not sure that natural disasters are in. It would be fine to have it, I don't see any reasons for not having it, but something is saying me that it is not for sure.Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
Also active on WePlayCiv.
In fact by creating such concepts as golden ages and great leaders Firaxis allready has allready included "events" but I am not sure that they really developped it. For example we don't have any more news about great scientists or artists.....(which would have been really enjoyable). And I now highly doubt that they will be included
How sad it is! I am quiote a perfectionnist and a pacifict (a least in civ)
In fact by creating such concepts as golden ages and great leaders Firaxis allready has allready included "events" but I am not sure that they really developped it. For example we don't have any more news about great scientists or artists.....(which would have been really enjoyable). And I now highly doubt that they will be included
How sad it is! I am quiote a perfectionnist and a pacifict (a least in civ) and I would have dreamed of such events as "Van Gogh has settled in Paris a cultural boost is to be expected has he has founded a painters's society" or anything similar. Does anyone has new info about it???
Natural disasters were great feature of Civ1 and I hope they are implemented, just previewers did not notice them yet
As for vulcanos anywhere maybe there could be a special tile, or they could only happen in mountains and sea a,d 1 tile radius around the vulcano gets afected... but I think that overall it would add to the experience...Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"
Actually, most vulcanoes are underwater. So maybe there could be an event of a vulcano erupt, and possible make a new island if
forcible enough! And, just think what would happen if one of my enemies had a ship on that tile!Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
Also active on WePlayCiv.