Here's my wishlist.
Units with different features, some previously mentioned
Spyplane - same range as stealth bomber, no attack, high defence to reflect difficulty of hitting it
Anti-tank gun - added attack bonus against armour (attack strength 8?)
Anti-tank missle - stronger attack strength than AT gun
Native (aka Indian) warrior - same attack and defence as musketman, but movement of two and no terrain effect on movement (i.e. similar to guerrilla)
Zeppelin: weaker ADM than bomber
Naval mines and minesweepers
Trebuchet - same A/D/M as catapult, but with bombardment capabilities
Modern infantry - similar to mech infantry but with movement of 1 (so 6/6/1)
High-tech infantry - 10/7/1
Mounted archers - various versions corresponding to different mounted units with reduced attack against fortified units, but higher movement.
Dreadnought - stronger than ironclad, weaker than battleship, slower than destroyer
Siege towers/battling rams - same attack as catapult, but increased defence
Minutemen/milita - cheap, but weaker than musketeer in terms of attack and defence
Railway canon/artillery/howitzer - longer bombardment range, but can only move on squares containing railway
Amphibious tank - moves on water and land, but sinks in water unless it ends turn beside land.
Units just for graphics, some previously mentioned
Versions of musketmen: Napoleonic-era infantry
Version of riflemen: US civil war, WWI, WWII
Tank: T-34 (we already have the Sherman and a Panzer-type)
Figher: Japanese Zero and German ME-109
Star wars units
Units with different features, some previously mentioned
Spyplane - same range as stealth bomber, no attack, high defence to reflect difficulty of hitting it
Anti-tank gun - added attack bonus against armour (attack strength 8?)
Anti-tank missle - stronger attack strength than AT gun
Native (aka Indian) warrior - same attack and defence as musketman, but movement of two and no terrain effect on movement (i.e. similar to guerrilla)
Zeppelin: weaker ADM than bomber
Naval mines and minesweepers
Trebuchet - same A/D/M as catapult, but with bombardment capabilities
Modern infantry - similar to mech infantry but with movement of 1 (so 6/6/1)
High-tech infantry - 10/7/1
Mounted archers - various versions corresponding to different mounted units with reduced attack against fortified units, but higher movement.
Dreadnought - stronger than ironclad, weaker than battleship, slower than destroyer
Siege towers/battling rams - same attack as catapult, but increased defence
Minutemen/milita - cheap, but weaker than musketeer in terms of attack and defence
Railway canon/artillery/howitzer - longer bombardment range, but can only move on squares containing railway
Amphibious tank - moves on water and land, but sinks in water unless it ends turn beside land.
Units just for graphics, some previously mentioned
Versions of musketmen: Napoleonic-era infantry
Version of riflemen: US civil war, WWI, WWII
Tank: T-34 (we already have the Sherman and a Panzer-type)
Figher: Japanese Zero and German ME-109
Star wars units