Yin this is your fault. I was reading your interview and the second answer with the bit about the civ3 list started me thinking. Damn you know how much that hurts me.
The list was printed tabbed and passed around the Firaxis office.
The Brian Reynolds days:
Imagine five Firaxians sitting around a table in the early morning drinking coffee. Yeah you know the scene.
List given to Fir1, Fir 1 passes to Fir2 who passes to Fir3 and on to Fir5 who chucks it in the bin beside him.
Imagine Brian R. sitting at his desk pencil in hand paper in front of him. Sid passes by his door.
Sid: I want those ideas in half an hour Brian.
BR : Grunt.
20 minutes pass. The pencil snaps and Brian is ready to give up hope when he remembers. Quickly he takes the List and jots down the best ideas he can find in 5 minutes.
Imagine Sid in his office at his computer. Golf clubs leaning in the corner.
Sid mutters " I wonder, it could work? "
Brian struts in sheet in hand and places it in front of Sid.
Sid reads for a few seconds.
Sid: What in gods name? This is rubbish religion my ass! There will be only one religion!
BR : Which one?
Sid: The one where I get all the money and virgins!
BR: Ah.
Sid: Why don't you come up with some good ideas like this Yin guy?
BR: Well given more time and of course more money...
Sid: That's not the people I want working on my project. You don't even eat doughnuts! Get out of here!!
BR : But Sidmond we've been friends for...
Sid: OUT!!
Brian scurries out the door.
Sid: I wonder... could a golf game really make money?
BTW I figured out why there's an SDI defense in all civ games.
It's his plan to brainwash the world and make us revere him as god! Think about it without an SDI your doomed! It's subtle headology! And it's worked!
I'm sorry... My imagination runs amok sometimes.

The list was printed tabbed and passed around the Firaxis office.
The Brian Reynolds days:
Imagine five Firaxians sitting around a table in the early morning drinking coffee. Yeah you know the scene.
List given to Fir1, Fir 1 passes to Fir2 who passes to Fir3 and on to Fir5 who chucks it in the bin beside him.
Imagine Brian R. sitting at his desk pencil in hand paper in front of him. Sid passes by his door.
Sid: I want those ideas in half an hour Brian.
BR : Grunt.
20 minutes pass. The pencil snaps and Brian is ready to give up hope when he remembers. Quickly he takes the List and jots down the best ideas he can find in 5 minutes.
Imagine Sid in his office at his computer. Golf clubs leaning in the corner.
Sid mutters " I wonder, it could work? "
Brian struts in sheet in hand and places it in front of Sid.
Sid reads for a few seconds.
Sid: What in gods name? This is rubbish religion my ass! There will be only one religion!
BR : Which one?
Sid: The one where I get all the money and virgins!
BR: Ah.
Sid: Why don't you come up with some good ideas like this Yin guy?
BR: Well given more time and of course more money...
Sid: That's not the people I want working on my project. You don't even eat doughnuts! Get out of here!!
BR : But Sidmond we've been friends for...
Sid: OUT!!
Brian scurries out the door.
Sid: I wonder... could a golf game really make money?
BTW I figured out why there's an SDI defense in all civ games.
It's his plan to brainwash the world and make us revere him as god! Think about it without an SDI your doomed! It's subtle headology! And it's worked!
I'm sorry... My imagination runs amok sometimes.
