A question popped up in my head. Once discovered, nationalism enables you to put your economy in one of three different states: mobilized, normal or peace.
Ok then, after you have discovered nationalism: Is then war-mobilization (= half unit build-costs and doubled city-improvement build-costs) mandatory whenever you want to military attack/defend your empire? Can you actually fight at all (after nationalism) with economy put to normal or peace (I dont think so)?
It seems to me that you must mobilize, in order to attack/defend anything - even a single enemy-unit taking a potshot at you (or if you decides to pillage a single enemy terrain-improvement).
If so, you cannot fight endless border-wars with one hand, and continue racing ahead with your ambitious city-improvement and wonder-building plans with your other hand (every peaceful city-improvement and wonder is twice as expencive to build in "economy mobilized" mode, remember).
By the way; is it the build-cost (shields) or is it the support-cost (gold) that is tweakable by above feature? Both?
Ok then, after you have discovered nationalism: Is then war-mobilization (= half unit build-costs and doubled city-improvement build-costs) mandatory whenever you want to military attack/defend your empire? Can you actually fight at all (after nationalism) with economy put to normal or peace (I dont think so)?
It seems to me that you must mobilize, in order to attack/defend anything - even a single enemy-unit taking a potshot at you (or if you decides to pillage a single enemy terrain-improvement).

By the way; is it the build-cost (shields) or is it the support-cost (gold) that is tweakable by above feature? Both?