The german PC-Gaming Magazine Gamestar stated on their webpage that release date for civ3 will be november 2001 and that the german version will be out by MARCH 2002.
Can this be true?
And am I able to get the english version in Europe without having to pay about 30 bucks for shipping and another 20-30 bucks for customs? (even more with the high dollar and the low euro, this would be a financial ruin!!)
I mean I really rather have the english version than the german, but well I could live with the german too, but NOT when it comes out around MARCH 2002!!!

Can this be true?
And am I able to get the english version in Europe without having to pay about 30 bucks for shipping and another 20-30 bucks for customs? (even more with the high dollar and the low euro, this would be a financial ruin!!)
I mean I really rather have the english version than the german, but well I could live with the german too, but NOT when it comes out around MARCH 2002!!!