The way I heard it, golden ages will be triggered by a civ-specific unit winning a battle. Thats OK, but I want an complementary peaceful trigger as well. If I am at peace with everyone, minding my own business, I dont want to be forced to pick an unprovoked fight (war without casus belli = less civ-points in Hall of fame, and less chance of achieving diplomatic victory), just to trigger that damn golden age. Any info, comments - any suggestions?
Also, in the Player Setup screen you have the option "Allow civ-specific abilities". Choosing "No" to this means no Civ-specific abilities table (obviously), but does it mean the exclusion of civ-specific units and golden age also?
Personally, I would like to keep the specific units and golden age, and only be given the choise of excluding the civ-specific abilities-table.
Also, in the Player Setup screen you have the option "Allow civ-specific abilities". Choosing "No" to this means no Civ-specific abilities table (obviously), but does it mean the exclusion of civ-specific units and golden age also?
Personally, I would like to keep the specific units and golden age, and only be given the choise of excluding the civ-specific abilities-table.