Civ3 site
Strategic resources are needed to make certain military units (iron, for example, is needed to make the Swordsman or Roman Legion units)
Strategic resources are needed to make certain military units (iron, for example, is needed to make the Swordsman or Roman Legion units)
Civ3 site
Do resources ever run out?
Yes. Though it happens infrequently, resources will sometimes be exhausted, forcing you to find a new source.
Do resources ever run out?
Yes. Though it happens infrequently, resources will sometimes be exhausted, forcing you to find a new source.
Civ3 site
How do I utilize resources?
To access any good, you need to build a road to that good. That good must also be connected to your capitol in some way, be it by road, harbor, or airport. If the good in question lies outside of your borders, you will also need to build a colony on that square. For luxury resources, all cities connected to the trade network will automatically receive the benefit of the luxury. For resources, all networked cities should now be able to build units that require that resource.
How do I utilize resources?
To access any good, you need to build a road to that good. That good must also be connected to your capitol in some way, be it by road, harbor, or airport. If the good in question lies outside of your borders, you will also need to build a colony on that square. For luxury resources, all cities connected to the trade network will automatically receive the benefit of the luxury. For resources, all networked cities should now be able to build units that require that resource.
Civ3 siteYou can trade a variety of things, including:
- Gold (lump sum or per turn)
- Resources[/li]