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Only 5 civs in CivIII ?!?

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  • Only 5 civs in CivIII ?!?

    Am I misunderstanding somthing here? It would appear that there are only 5 civs at one time (orange, yellow, green, bue and some disgusting pink-like color), see civ table at

    It would also appear that the English and German are EXACTLY the same civ (commercial, expansionist) AND within the same group (yellow).

    It also looks like the Zulus are still the civ to hate (militaristic, expansionist).

    And why aren't the Americans considered a commercial, religious civ???

  • #2
    It's probably safe to say that those are the five "cultural gorups" mentioned earlier. There are eight civs counting the player here:

    (Why did you pick that username, btw? Are you a Feminist or are you Stig Malm? )
    Världsstad - Dom lokala genrenas vän
    Mick102, 102,3 Umeå, Måndagar 20-21


    • #3
      Thanks for the info, it puts my mind at rest. But it does look like I'll always be playing Greeks or, at the least, be forced to modify the rules.txt file (if there still is a rules.txt file).

      No ardent femminist here! Fittstim is just a great expression (I use it for all of my login names - got it at Hotmail too!!!) even if 99% of the people on this site don't understand what it means...

