I propably have mispelled both words in the title but this is of little importance except for my former english teachers.
The thing is that as I was browsing the brand new civ 3 site, I got the same feeling that the original civ 1 had. That great mixture of fun and facts. Not too «dry» and not too serious.
for example: who is that man and why is he smiling???
and then = an informative and funny pice about hammourabi and the babylonians...
The thing is that as I was browsing the brand new civ 3 site, I got the same feeling that the original civ 1 had. That great mixture of fun and facts. Not too «dry» and not too serious.
for example: who is that man and why is he smiling???
and then = an informative and funny pice about hammourabi and the babylonians...
