Discussions come and go but as you may have noticed there's one particular discussion that has been on page 1 (only occasionally dropping to page 2 for at most a few days) of this forum for about 4 months now and that's still going strong. With over 500 posts in 2 threads, crawling towards 6000 views, 2 news items devoted to it and dozens of 'sidetrack' discussions and polls, the "Civs included. Just the facts madam" discussion is the most popular topic this forum has seen in a long time (maybe even the most popular topic ever). I don't know if you ever bothered to read (part of) it - because it's so huge I certainly wouldn't blame you if you haven't - but as the name suggests, in this discussion we're trying to figure out which civs will be included in Civ3, based on hard evidence (screenshots, statements by you, etc). The popularity of this discussion clearly indicates that the people on this forum care much about this topic.
However, even after all this time we still haven't fully been able to figure out exactly which civs are included. By now we have an almost complete list with only 1 (or actually 2) civs unconfirmed. It was fun and interesting to collect all the evidence ourselves and put it all together but now we're so close to reaching our objective it would be very much appreciated if you could help us out a bit. I understand that you can't and don't want to give away too much info about the game at this stage but we came this far on our own, so I don't think it could be all that problematic to help us over that last obstacle.
Basically the only thing you guys have to do is confirm for us that the Aztec are included in Civ3. That's really all we are dying to find out right now, so it would be fantastic if you could confirm or deny this. A simple yes or no would suffice...
However, if you'd want to help us out even more, you could also confirm (or deny of course) that the Japanese are in as well. We're 99% certain they will be, but we'd love to be 100% certain...
Now, if you could answer those to questions for us, that would be absolutely terrific and we would be very, very grateful. That would mean we would know pretty much with 100% certainty which civs would be included.
But of course, since most of the civs haven't been officially confirmed by you there would still be a tiny uncertainty factor. Though it may be tiny, it's still there and nagging and torturing our poor sensitive souls. If you wanted to make us truly infinitely grateful, you could even confirm the entire list of civs we've found. So basically what we would ultimately like to know is if the following is the complete and accurate list of civs in Civ3:
1) Americans
2) Aztec
3) Babylonians
4) Chinese
5) Egyptians
6) English
7) French
8) Germans
9) Greek
10) Indians
11) Iroquois
12) Japanese
13) Persians
14) Romans
15) Russians
16) Zulu
If you could confirm this list we would truly be infinitely grateful (well, I would anyway, can't speak for the others of course). Again, a simple yes or no or whether or not this entire list is accurate would suffice. If it's incorrect and you could tell us something about what exactly is incorrect that would be even better of course, but just a quick message saying that it's incorrect would be great as well.
Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please could you answer at least one of these questions? Pretty please with a 1000 cherries on top
Discussions come and go but as you may have noticed there's one particular discussion that has been on page 1 (only occasionally dropping to page 2 for at most a few days) of this forum for about 4 months now and that's still going strong. With over 500 posts in 2 threads, crawling towards 6000 views, 2 news items devoted to it and dozens of 'sidetrack' discussions and polls, the "Civs included. Just the facts madam" discussion is the most popular topic this forum has seen in a long time (maybe even the most popular topic ever). I don't know if you ever bothered to read (part of) it - because it's so huge I certainly wouldn't blame you if you haven't - but as the name suggests, in this discussion we're trying to figure out which civs will be included in Civ3, based on hard evidence (screenshots, statements by you, etc). The popularity of this discussion clearly indicates that the people on this forum care much about this topic.
However, even after all this time we still haven't fully been able to figure out exactly which civs are included. By now we have an almost complete list with only 1 (or actually 2) civs unconfirmed. It was fun and interesting to collect all the evidence ourselves and put it all together but now we're so close to reaching our objective it would be very much appreciated if you could help us out a bit. I understand that you can't and don't want to give away too much info about the game at this stage but we came this far on our own, so I don't think it could be all that problematic to help us over that last obstacle.
Basically the only thing you guys have to do is confirm for us that the Aztec are included in Civ3. That's really all we are dying to find out right now, so it would be fantastic if you could confirm or deny this. A simple yes or no would suffice...
However, if you'd want to help us out even more, you could also confirm (or deny of course) that the Japanese are in as well. We're 99% certain they will be, but we'd love to be 100% certain...
Now, if you could answer those to questions for us, that would be absolutely terrific and we would be very, very grateful. That would mean we would know pretty much with 100% certainty which civs would be included.
But of course, since most of the civs haven't been officially confirmed by you there would still be a tiny uncertainty factor. Though it may be tiny, it's still there and nagging and torturing our poor sensitive souls. If you wanted to make us truly infinitely grateful, you could even confirm the entire list of civs we've found. So basically what we would ultimately like to know is if the following is the complete and accurate list of civs in Civ3:
1) Americans
2) Aztec
3) Babylonians
4) Chinese
5) Egyptians
6) English
7) French
8) Germans
9) Greek
10) Indians
11) Iroquois
12) Japanese
13) Persians
14) Romans
15) Russians
16) Zulu
If you could confirm this list we would truly be infinitely grateful (well, I would anyway, can't speak for the others of course). Again, a simple yes or no or whether or not this entire list is accurate would suffice. If it's incorrect and you could tell us something about what exactly is incorrect that would be even better of course, but just a quick message saying that it's incorrect would be great as well.
Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please could you answer at least one of these questions? Pretty please with a 1000 cherries on top
