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Questions about Civ3

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  • Questions about Civ3

    Hi all,

    Pardon if these questions have been asked and answered already here, but I just found this forum a few days ago and haven't had time to dig through the 38k+ posts yet for an answer (still working on it).

    Please, if any of these have been asked & answered elsewhere point me there instead of flaming, thanks!

    1) Will there be bridges/roads/tunnels between land groups in Civ3, ala CTP1 & CTP2? One of the best features of the CTP series is the ability to build undersea tunnels, and with the development of the Chunnel, the 20+ mile suspension bridge in Japan and the huge Key West to Southern Florida bridge I don't see why it's not included in the game.

    2) Since there will be borders (via culture apparently, strange) has anyone confirmed whether or not the computer AI will respect both land AND water borders? One of the most infuriating aspects of SMAC was that the AI ALWAYS seemed to intrude into "claimed" area if it extended into the water.

    Again, the CTP series "fixed" this problem by allowing nations to claim area over water and ask people to move if they intruded into your border, even if it were over water.

    3) Has anyone asked or discovered why there are no coastal or water resources? I miss those whales and fish in Civ 2, they were an aded bonus for those coastal cities.


    It is my hope that since the team that worked on the CTP series is also helping/contributing to the Civ series that some of the better ideas of CTP will be incorporated into the Civ series. I have played both series since they came out and some things (infrastructure as opposed to HAVING to micromanage 20+ settler/engineer units) are just plain better in the CTP games.

    Both series have their good ideas and I hope a little of both are incorporated.

    Thanks all, I look forward to the responses.

  • #2
    At this time we haven't sure answers to your questions, AFAIK.

    My best bet:
    1) bridge can be kept as in Civ II, only as prerequisite to build road crossing river. No clues about tunnel.
    It's been mentioned a Great Channel Wonder that you should lay out crossing land, gaining a sea way like Panama/Suez Channel.

    2) no info about this "border over sea". I suppose they act on the sea as well as on land, but it's my guess only.

    3) many screenshoots show resources at sea (whales, fishes).
    I have no idea how you are supposed to "build a colony" over there as you can do on land resources, nor if you can only exploit resources that are inside your culture borders (near coast) simply building a harbour instead of a connecting road as required on land.
    Maybe they are considered common resources, as shield/food/trade (money) enhancement, while special resources rules only apply to coal/iron/bronze etc.

    Sorry, I haven't better answer, but I do my best to help you
    "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
    - Admiral Naismith


    • #3
      Just one question.

      Will you be able to assimilate barbarian-captured cities using the new culture feature? If you can, it would make them much less of a pest.


      • #4
        Will you be able to assimilate barbarian-captured cities using the new culture feature? If you can, it would make them much less of a pest.
        Somewhere it was stated that as your civilization grows the barbarian encampments will be pushed back. So I believe that if your culture does go over a barbarian encampment that encampment will dissapear and a new one will start a little farther away from your civ.

        A question I brought up in the colonies thread, which was never answered. I wonder if the resources such as silk, iron, oil, etc... will give you a bonus on food/prod./trade. Like they did in Civ2. My question is will some resources that were in Civ2 and now perform a differnet task in Civ3 will they still provide a food/prod./trade bonus? This question is more intended towards Firaxis considering nobody else knows the answer to it.
        However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.

