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GBase Civ 3 Preview - Babelfish Translation

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  • GBase Civ 3 Preview - Babelfish Translation

    For those of you who may have not done so already, I'm providing a verbatim copy of the Babelfish translation of the German-language GBase preview of Civ3. It's frequently incoherent, but it's quite amusing for speakers of the English tongue. We're obviously still a long way from having Trek's universal translators.

    Civilization III Preview

    Innumerable play hours I many years ago with Civilization I spent, my culture structured, constantly researched after new technologies, bloody wars led, diplomacy and trade operation, in order to push as the first into space. Sid Meier, the " founder " of the million Sellers, brings a re-submission up-to-date of the ingenious play concept back on the domestic fixed disk. However not only the diagrams brought on the newest status...

    Civilization is for strategists such as wolf stone 3d for 3D-Shooter-Freunde. A trailblazing, innovative, extremely addicted-making play concept sold itself which millionfold and many Nachmacher has. Before approximately 10 years Civilization I came out, a few years later follows version II. The license of the play moved from Microprose to Spectrum Holobyte and in the long run ersteigerte itself it also Activision. Latter produced call to of power I and II. When Hasbro Interactive MicroProse bought, the chance for Sid Meier with his company Firaxis the license resulted again home to get. For 2 years the work on the successor Civilization III lasts.

    New ways to the play victory

    Civilization III does not become only a lauer graphically new Aufguss, for it ensures many new features and main play items. In order to be able to defeat an opponent in the predecessors, one had to have only a strong army and the opponent completely constantly weaken or destroy. Neither trade, diplomacy still the own economy could a so large influence on the own strength and victory possibilities exercise.

    In Civ III it will give now several ways running to the universe for itself to decide. Apart from the military destruction, one can become now also president of the earth; Victory thus on diplomatic way. This way should master OF Orion II Zocker admits to be. Funny way took over MoO the play concept of Civilization and comes now it turned around, that into Civ III a feature by MoO taken over is exactly.

    If both ways are not possible, one plays its strength in the economy out. This possibility makes sense, because could today's Russia survive without the assistance of other states? Russia is an enormous country, but alone practically not survivable. Who war is abhorred and no good diplomat, who can defeat the opponents owing to advanced economy.

    The cities and their culture continue to play a very large role. The more is invested into the culture of a city, like temples, cathedrals, libraries and Kolosseums, the more largely becomes the sphere of influence of the city. Today's Paris e.g., has a large influence on the mode world-wide. Everyone looks to Paris around mode to buy, which is city well-known. All these cultural investments bring points to the city with each play course. The longer the play lasts, the more largely becomes the influence of the city on the adjacent areas. On the play map one sees lines approximately around the city, which show the sphere of influence of the city. So it is to be beinflussen possible hostile villages in such a way that one can convince it to turn the own country the back! The, the more strongly is the own civilization, its own culture has more cities one, which are culturally well filled!

    The strongest part - trade

    Wrong does it to me generals of the predecessors, but the trade is much more largely written in Civ III. This affects itself e.g. as follows: In order to produce a F-15, we need many different raw materials. Unfortunately we possess however only three of four raw materials, therefore we must be able to concern with another power. Simultaneous we are however in the possession of e.g. much ore, which needs the competition dringendst. The play forces the trade upon therefore correctly, since the raw materials are not accessible everywhere.

    However one can concern with bronze only if one investigated the handicraft in addition! Is actually also logical, not? Perhaps thus one sits on a large heap of gold, white however not which one is to begin thereby. If one does not have bronze however the handicraft in addition, one to be bought is to its neighbour nation to be practically in a forced manner nice and bronze there, in order to be able to build itself new units. The own units are thus limited by own available resources, if one does not have good relationship with the neighbours or these attacks.

    Exactly this has effects on the defense of its territory. If it was enough to save the city with Civ I and II still, now the whole country is to be defended, since otherwise fast resources are omitted. Actually as with the " Siedler" Games. The barrack is not destroyed, gibts new soldiers more. One must concern thus around its army construct, therefore the trade became a primary weapon around the victory.

    Very close with the trade has to do also the diplomacy, because is we in the war, can we surely no raw material supplies of the opponent expect. New features were inserted also here and the possibilities in the diplomacy were increased. More complex business, exchange of technologies, mutual pacts will be possible against another nation etc.. More discussions and discussions will be able to thus give than ever before. One can turn off together with its friend nation of an opposing nation the raw material **** can introduce itself like fast that will affect itself!

    Army XXI

    Not only Swiss army a reform, also the military in Civ III needed modifications will experience. The largest deficiency was that e.g. a throwerthrower thrower could destroy an aircraft carrier. It will not surely any longer give these illogical fights. Me again and again surprised... *g *. an interesting feature does not surely only have historical sizes such as Hannibal, Atilla and Caesar will be, which can follow after a successful fight the player.

    It is already not taken off by the 60 units many new to give, because the predecessors to have practically all important. However it will give one in everyone of the selectable 16 civilizations historically " correct " unit. If one selects the Romans, one has correct Legionaere, Frenchman in place of a sword Heldens has Musketeers, the German better tanks, the Americans the F-15 etc.. One can form the military units to armies, which are led by a Caesar and thus more effectively and more successfully to fight.

    Graphically UP to DATE

    One remembers ungerne the alpha Centauri diagram, likewise a Sid Meier play. The graphic presentation plays an important role with today's plays exactly the same like the Story, the sound etc.. With Civ III the diagram on a higher level to be however certain, that already show the Screenshots. Civ III will show combat and unit movements over many beautiful and liquid animations, all.


    Firaxis does not have itself yet like the Multiplayer will look determined, but it will be possible in any case. First however the Singleplayer mode is to look in such a way that it is perfect. We can be strained


    Civ II do not have me from the stool gehauen in such a way, hopefully that with Civ III will change. I welcome in any case ones that there are also different ways to the victory. Graphically the play on good level moves, and which is good, no 1 GHz is needed surely for it.

    Sid Meier will already ensure that the play does not lose its good reputation. In the winter 2001 we more are experienced

  • #2
    Dreadful translation.
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • #3
      Wow... seems like Master Yoda is learning some German...

      ajbera, thanks for the transcription.
      I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


      • #4
        Don't mind what I wrote here before
        Last edited by Adagio; August 5, 2001, 15:08.
        This space is empty... or is it?


        • #5
          Does anybody have a clue on what this is, could it be the adviser for war through time or what could it be?

          This space is empty... or is it?


          • #6
            I'd provide a manual translation but I'm kind of in a hurry. BTW, "wolf stone 3D" refers to "Wolfenstein 3D".
            "Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!" -- Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
            "If you expect a kick in the balls and get a slap in the face, that's a victory." -- Irish proverb

            Proud member of the Pink Knights of the Roundtable!


            • #7
              Originally posted by ADG
              Does anybody have a clue on what this is, could it be the adviser for war through time or what could it be?
              I'll be banned if it isn't
              I'm utterly sure it is. The first one is obviously some old Greek fella, then there are the middle ages (armour), WWI combat suit and WWII (or Gulf of Persia?) combat suit.
              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


              • #8
                Very close with the trade has to do also the diplomacy, because is we in the war, can we surely no raw material supplies of the opponent expect. New features were inserted also here and the possibilities in the diplomacy were increased. More complex business, exchange of technologies, mutual pacts will be possible against another nation etc.. More discussions and discussions will be able to thus give than ever before. One can turn off together with its friend nation of an opposing nation the raw material **** can introduce itself like fast that will affect itself!

                I agree, whole-heartedly!

                I babel fish.
                "When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk." -Tuco Benedicto Juan Ramirez
                "I hate my hat, I hate my clubs, I hate my life" -Marcia
                "I think it would be a good idea."
                - Mahatma Ghandi, when asked what he thought of Western civilization


                • #9
                  Kann es aber nicht sein. Master Yoda nicht bin ich


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the translation but after a couple of paragraphs I couldn't take the poor English anymore, so I stopped reading.
                    However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


                    • #11
                      Anyone out there who speaks German better then the Yoda-on-the-web translation, can you find any new information in the preview?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SerapisIV
                        Anyone out there who speaks German better then the Yoda-on-the-web translation, can you find any new information in the preview?
                        Nothing new in that preview, and yet ... I'm curious about that "throwerthrower thrower" that destroys aircraft carriers. Basically a Catapult that catapults itself, instead of rocks or burning coal. A new leap in modern warfare!
                        A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
                        Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


                        • #13
                          The largest deficiency was that e.g. a throwerthrower thrower could destroy an aircraft carrier

                          let me translate the translator (detranslator )

                          it basically is talking about when a phalanx beats a battleship...i also think that this preview is an exact copy of an old english preview, either that or they contain the exact same information

