OK, lets say that you want to create a Roman expansion scenario that starts out 200-300 years BC.
Now, in Civ-2 one could only create a start-up situation, and perhaps add some scripts and triggers as well. That was about as much control you had. You (as a scenario-builder) couldnt control exactly where, and in what directions the AI-empires should found their cities & expand their empires, and exactly what the AI-empires should build/prioritize in their cities. I miss that.
Some means to pin-point potential (and ideal) AI city-locations all over the scenario-map, thus relieving the AI from the burden of trying to calculate that during the game. The AI scenario-cities can then ONLY found cities on those pre-edited spots, invisible for the human player.
Also, some means of "spoon-feed" the AI-civs, as much as resonably possible, with exact build & prioritize instructions in advance. Some kind of "blind-read" scenario-builder instructions that the AI-civs can follow, as long as the unknown factor (the human player) doesnt interfere.
Some means of globally disallowing worker- and/or settler-units in some truncated-in-time scenarios (WW & WW2 scenarios, for example).
Finally, some exact means of enforcing which scenario AI-civs is allowed to go to war against each other, and which AI-civs that ISNT allowed to go to war/be attacked by other AI-civs - the latter; at least as long as they dont choose to join war-alliancies with human player.
In short: More scenario-building CONTROL.
Now, in Civ-2 one could only create a start-up situation, and perhaps add some scripts and triggers as well. That was about as much control you had. You (as a scenario-builder) couldnt control exactly where, and in what directions the AI-empires should found their cities & expand their empires, and exactly what the AI-empires should build/prioritize in their cities. I miss that.
Some means to pin-point potential (and ideal) AI city-locations all over the scenario-map, thus relieving the AI from the burden of trying to calculate that during the game. The AI scenario-cities can then ONLY found cities on those pre-edited spots, invisible for the human player.
Also, some means of "spoon-feed" the AI-civs, as much as resonably possible, with exact build & prioritize instructions in advance. Some kind of "blind-read" scenario-builder instructions that the AI-civs can follow, as long as the unknown factor (the human player) doesnt interfere.
Some means of globally disallowing worker- and/or settler-units in some truncated-in-time scenarios (WW & WW2 scenarios, for example).
Finally, some exact means of enforcing which scenario AI-civs is allowed to go to war against each other, and which AI-civs that ISNT allowed to go to war/be attacked by other AI-civs - the latter; at least as long as they dont choose to join war-alliancies with human player.
In short: More scenario-building CONTROL.