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Does Firaxis really read our posts?

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  • Does Firaxis really read our posts?

    I recently asked Mike Breitkreutz from Firaxis this question and he answered with something along the lines of yes, but we're very busy with civ3. I certainly don't mean to imply that he's a liar or anything, but it does sound like a programmed message to me. We've heard a few too many of those; I want some info!!!

    Don't Care

  • #2
    Also -- If there's a specific reason why you're voting one way or the other, please post it here for the rest of us.


    • #3
      OK, I'm not gonna vote but...
      FIRAXIS do visit Apolyton forums on a regular basis.
      You can see this from the forums mainpage were all currently browsing are named. Regular visitor are Jeffery and Dan, the other ones visit now and then. Also have notised that the visits often occour very early my local time, which means around midnight in USA. So one could guess that they are browsing from home.

      OK, do they really read and analyse what we write - your guess is as good as mine. (They could just pop in so we can see theire names and think they are very interested in us, but be reading the newspaper/something simultaniously.) Altough have to say that that would be quite a stupid thing to do IMHO, why not read some if you come here?

      So yes FIRAXIS do visit Apolyton.


      • #4
        watching - yes
        reading - no


        • #5
          I know they visit Apolyton, but they post a lot in the OT forum. I haven't seen them in civ3 in weeks.


          • #6
            Actually, we are visiting and we are reading. I only visit the Civ3 forums and I don't browse from home.

            Jeje2: Ever listen to Laika & the Cosmonauts?
            Mike Breitkreutz
            FIRAXIS Games


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mike Breitkreutz FIRAXIS
              Actually, we are visiting and we are reading. I only visit the Civ3 forums and I don't browse from home.

              Jeje2: Ever listen to Laika & the Cosmonauts?
              And thus speaketh the Lord... I am now enscribing it on my stone tablet ... all is good, amen.
              "When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk." -Tuco Benedicto Juan Ramirez
              "I hate my hat, I hate my clubs, I hate my life" -Marcia
              "I think it would be a good idea."
              - Mahatma Ghandi, when asked what he thought of Western civilization


              • #8
                Well that sure removes the doubt in my mind. Sorry if I insulted you Mike. But PLEASE -- We need information!!!!


                • #9
                  There you have it folks, he visits here from work. Hope you get some sleep Mike, I have heard plenty of stories about those wonderful people called game developers working way too many hours. Hang in there.

                  And I thought I was the only person that worked all night on Saturday



                  • #10
                    I'm pretty sure they are reading these forums in their spare time, it would be a good source of ideas for them.


                    • #11
                      And of course I didn'tmention by name that Firaxian who would reply to this thread

                      Originally posted by Mike Breitkreutz FIRAXIS
                      Actually, we are visiting and we are reading. I only visit the Civ3 forums and I don't browse from home.
                      I think I should be worried now.
                      It must be past midnight as Sunday already for you Mike and you are still at work.(*) It's nice that you like your work this much, but some break is always good.

                      Jeje2: Ever listen to Laika & the Cosmonauts?
                      It's been a while...
                      Not really my cind of music. You like it?

                      (*) And I'm the best one to say this.
                      It's my paid holiday now and I've spent most of last week at work fixing&upgrading our server (UPS broked and cruched the server).
                      Oh, it's time to go to work...


                      • #12
                        Mike: Your visits are appreciated. I know you can't single-handedly let us in on all the stuff we want to know, but it's cool you dropped by at least. Good luck with Civ 3.
                        I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                        "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                        • #13
                          hi Mike!

                          btw, if you dont see someone on the "Who's online" listing, it doesnt mean he is not here. Someone might be using the "invisible mode" option....
                          Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                          Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
                 my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                          • #14
                            I'll admit i'm surprised I honestly didn't think they read our posts, it's nice too know they do
                            Civ=pi CivII=pi*d CivCTP=pi*r^2 CivIII=4/3pi*r^3 (hopefully)
                            Civ pi= It's coming
                            P.S. pi=(about)3.14159


                            • #15
                              OIf coures they read... It must be more interesting than working.

                              even building games is work... so they need a break and this is a nice place to take it...

                              Guess what am I doing now

                              But in their case it is even better as they can claim it as work. *jealous*
                              Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
                              GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"

