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  • #16
    Re: Not directly moved?

    Originally posted by BeBro
    Do you have more info about that, Arne?
    Well, not much, but the preview at PCPLAYER (german) sad somthing like this: You will give these units a target, and then they moved himself. Turn by turn. They sad, this should solve the "no-more-fuell-crash-problem", because the units now going to fuell thereself. But as far I know, they was the onlyones, the sad such things. May be this was a mistake during the translation? Anaybody knows, what the first PCGAMER (english) preview sad in this way?
    Arne · Das Civilization Forum


    • #17
      Choice and diversity are positive attributes.

      I would even welcome the introduction of railway-guns and zeppelins! At the end of the day, if you dislike a unit then don't build it!
      Art is a science having more than seven variables.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Recurve
        Choice and diversity are positive attributes.

        I would even welcome the introduction of railway-guns and zeppelins! At the end of the day, if you dislike a unit then don't build it!
        Not really an option though, is it? I mean, if it is in the game and the AI is using it or if your playing MP you will have to build these units to compete. Even if they are overkill and not fun to use.
        About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


        • #19
          The Germans had a fair few OTT railway-guns. We didn't exactly panic and start building our own (even when the Kent coast was bombarded from France). Such weapons would serve to add fun, nothing more.
          Art is a science having more than seven variables.


          • #20
            the operative word being "few"

            MP would see mass production of these weapons...


            • #21
              You have a point there.
              Art is a science having more than seven variables.


              • #22
                And we name them all "Airwolf" and they always fire one round/missile and completely destroy the enemy, while never taking damage.

                Originally posted by death_head
                I think in Civ3 you should get to build black helicopters...
                "I never let my schooling get in the way of my education" -Mark Twain


                • #23
                  Re: Re: Not directly moved?

                  Originally posted by AroSch
                  You will give these units a target, and then they moved himself. Turn by turn. They sad, this should solve the "no-more-fuell-crash-problem", because the units now going to fuell thereself.
                  Reminds me on Command&Conquer3, I think it is not sooo bad. However, I´m wondering if dogfights and intercept missions are done in the same way...


                  • #24
                    In Civ 2 helicopters were very much underused and to be honest crap. So if they are going to be included in civ 3 I think a major redisgn needs to be given to them, so I agree
                    I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.


                    • #25
                      Re: Re: Re: Not directly moved?

                      Originally posted by BeBro
                      Reminds me on Command&Conquer3, I think it is not sooo bad. However, I´m wondering if dogfights and intercept missions are done in the same way...
                      C & C 3 doesn't exist. Are you referring to Tiberian Sun?


                      • #26
                        It does least here in Germany, where they sold it as Command&Conquer Part 3 "Operation Tiberian Sun".


                        • #27

                          *mutters something about Germans*


                          • #28
                            Well, Helis were just like a lot of the later units in civ2. None of them got used too much except tanks and howitzers. Heck, I rarely used fighters for much more than exploring parts of the map I hadn't seen. There's a lot of specialized units at the end, and some, like helicopters, weren't as useful.
                            "I never let my schooling get in the way of my education" -Mark Twain


                            • #29
                              Hopefully, Civ3 will be balanced time-wise so that end-game units are a viable option.


                              • #30
                                Does anyone know wheter there is actually going to be a seperate helicopter unit in Civ 3? In my opinion, helicopters shouldn't be a seperate unit, but should mearly improve the stats of exhisting units. For example, helicopters should improve the spotting range, movement and attack values of all land and sea units.
                                'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                                - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon

