Just to be a thorn in people's side, why have special units at all? Follow me on this one... if you play random maps, which I do exculisevly, special units don't make sense as they don't truly reflect geography, nor game play style.
The British had a kick-ass navy because they lived on an island... should Britian get a special Navel unit if they are stuck in the middle of a pangean type continent?
Or the Egyptians, they had chariots due to the fact they lived in the desert, would those same chariots be any good if they started in the middle of a mountain range?
I personaly thought Civ, was about "what if?" What if my civilization of Mongolians started on the coast with nothing but swamps, and forests around. I would probably move towards an oceanic type of civilization.
Same goes for civilizations with pre determined abilities... these abilities are dictated by our world, and our history. IMHO they shouldn't be determined before hand, as this is just stereotyping. In a game like MOO, racial benifits, and weaknesses make sense, but in CIV it does not.
So here I am once again being a nay sayer. Well that's what I think about this topic... feel free to disagree.
The British had a kick-ass navy because they lived on an island... should Britian get a special Navel unit if they are stuck in the middle of a pangean type continent?
Or the Egyptians, they had chariots due to the fact they lived in the desert, would those same chariots be any good if they started in the middle of a mountain range?
I personaly thought Civ, was about "what if?" What if my civilization of Mongolians started on the coast with nothing but swamps, and forests around. I would probably move towards an oceanic type of civilization.
Same goes for civilizations with pre determined abilities... these abilities are dictated by our world, and our history. IMHO they shouldn't be determined before hand, as this is just stereotyping. In a game like MOO, racial benifits, and weaknesses make sense, but in CIV it does not.
So here I am once again being a nay sayer. Well that's what I think about this topic... feel free to disagree.