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The graphics: summarized opinions

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  • #16
    - Advisor-screens: 5
    Great animation and 3D people. I'm including enemy leaders in this.

    - Units: 3+
    Good but from what I've seen and heard they could be better especially their animations.

    - City on map: 3-
    Too big It sprawls over surrounding tiles and can block tile improvements.

    - City-view: 4
    Good shows everything you need and is in the main screen view.

    - Basic terrain-types: 2
    Aargh! Awful look at the mountain the road which should be behind is on top of it. And why in gods name have the mountains so high?

    - Tile-improvements: 3
    They should look a lot more manmade but aren't too bad.

    Overall I'd give it a 3+
    Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.


    • #17
      - Advisor-screens: 5+
      - Units: 4
      - City on map: 4
      - Basic terrain-types: 2
      - Tile-improvements: 2
      - City View: 5+
      - Leaders: 5+
      - FRENCH BEING PINK: 100+

      advisor screens are full of grat info and are pretty to boot.

      i havent seen many units, but the few i have seena re great. i just hope its easy to distinguish between them.

      city on map, i have no beef with the city images. i am confused about the "2 tile city image" thing we saw a while back.

      terrain types and tile improvements are DECENT when taken seperately... both would get 3-4. COMBINED (rivers on mtns, roads on hills) they really make me cringe. but i trust firaxis will fix that.

      city view is beautiful.

      leaders look great, and i love the expression changed to different offers / events.

      the fairy french being colored pink? awesome. it'd be even better if they were prone to losing after industrialization was discovered.

      "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
      - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


      • #18
        Originally posted by UberKruX

        - FRENCH BEING PINK: 100+

        Aww man, my sides hurt after I stoped laughing at that.... it was so unexpected after all those other ones

        Anyway... All I gotta say about the other graphics is..
        They all look bad to me. I guess the Units and City view is ok. But everything else, ick. I'd give them all 1- and threes for units and city view
        "Mr. Chambers! Don't get on that ship! We've mastered the book, To Serve Man.... it - its a cook book!"


        • #19
          - Advisor-screens: 4
          - Units: 5
          - City on map: 4
          - Basic terrain-types: 3
          - Tile-improvements: 2
          - City View: 5
          - Leaders: 4

          I have to give the city view option 5, because it looks so damn realistic, and as you progress through the ages, the buildings change how they look. Plus the graphics depend on what kind of terrain you build on. 5/5.

