There is no thread for this precise topic.
I don't see why every settlement you build should become a metropolis by 2001. What about a bit of variety? It would be nice if you could designate your settlement as say 1/Village (1 square), 2/Town (9 squares), 3/City (as is now), 4/Metropolis (30+ squares).
There is a logic to this - if your settler comes across a mountain-range you could build a village in the 1 fertile square available. It would grow to a max population of 30,000 and not have the option of city walls, barracks or advanced improvements (no need for a bank). That way, you could acquire the territory somewhat less painfully.
On the other hand, there are always squares caught between cities that are not utilised. You could designate "Metropolis" and annex those squares to a city, up to a certain limit.

I don't see why every settlement you build should become a metropolis by 2001. What about a bit of variety? It would be nice if you could designate your settlement as say 1/Village (1 square), 2/Town (9 squares), 3/City (as is now), 4/Metropolis (30+ squares).
There is a logic to this - if your settler comes across a mountain-range you could build a village in the 1 fertile square available. It would grow to a max population of 30,000 and not have the option of city walls, barracks or advanced improvements (no need for a bank). That way, you could acquire the territory somewhat less painfully.
On the other hand, there are always squares caught between cities that are not utilised. You could designate "Metropolis" and annex those squares to a city, up to a certain limit.