Revised Nuclear Model 1.0
Preface: This Nuclear Model is a way to implement nuclear weapons into civ3 in a more fun, exciting, balanced, and realistic mannor than what was the case in civ2. Using the time tested mantra of keep it simple stupid, this Nuclear Model seeks to overhaul the civ2 with simple and elegent fixes.
Problems in Civ2: Civ2 had a number of flaws to its nuclear weapon implementation that rendered it unrealistic, unbalanced, and just generally in need of an upgrade. Here are the most serious problems found in the civ2 nuclear model.
*In civ2 nuclear weapons lacked both the range and the destructive power needed to simulate the destructive power of real nuclear weapons.
*In civ2 there was an inherent advantage to using nuclear weapons first, because of the turn based nature of civ2 a nuclear first strike was always 100% effective. This unbalanced nuclear weapons, and precipitated nuclear wars.
*The use of nuclear weapons in civ2 was fairly routine, which totally defies reality where nuclear weapons have only been used twice in anger.
*In civ2 an empire could launch a nuclear attack against a city, capture it with paratroops, and then the very next turn the population of that city would oftentimes have a "we love the president day" for the leader of the civ who just launched a nuclear attack on them. This completely defies reality.
*In civ2 no harsh diplomatic repercussions existed to curb the use of nuclear weapons.
*In civ2 nuclear weapons had no real role except that of a super siege weapon. This totally undermined the importance of the strategic aspect of nuclear weapons.
*In civ2 SDI made a city impervious to nuclear weapons. This unbalanced the game even more in favor of a nuclear first strike from the civ protected by SDI. Also SDI has never been deployed in real life, and might never be deployed because of the technical challanges that faces it, so it make it 100% effective seems quite absurd.
Proposals: In order to fix the civ2 nuclear model and make it worthy of civ3 the following solutions need to be implemented.
*Nuclear weapons need to be given the ability to strike targets anywhere on the map.
*Nuclear weapons need a major upgrade in damage. When a city is hit by a nuclear weapon it should take far greater than 50% causulties. The city should take at least 90% causulties and have have of it's buildings destroyed; that is if the city is not destroyed outright. All of the units and tile improvement in the surrounding square should also be destroyed by the blast.
*One of the most significant upgrade to the Nuclear Model should be that of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). That means when a nuclear missle gets launched at a civ, that civ should have an oppertunity to immeadiately retaliate. This in and of itself would mitigate the advantage of launching a first strike, and it would balance the power of the new more destructive nuclear weapons.
*Introducing MAD would have the positive effect of reducing the number of nuclear wars in civ3 while at the same time making them more destructive when they occured. This would bring the nuclear weapons in civ3 more into line with reality, while also introducing a natural and exciting arms race mentality.
*After being attacked by nuclear weapons a city should not be able to hold a "we love the president day" for at least ten years.
*Civ3 should introduce harsh diplomatic repercussions for using nuclear weapons. At the very least whenever a nuclear weapon is used it should significantly lower diplomatic relations with all civs not at war with the victim. It should also have at least a 50% chance of lowering diplomatic relations with all civs at war with the victim of the nuclear attack. Using nuclear weapons should always hurt a civ's reputation.
*In civ3 nuclear weapons should act as strategic weapons, and inspire fear (and possible loathing) in all other civs. Civs should try to avoid war (both conventional and nuclear) as much as possible with civs who have large nuclear arsenals. Also civs without nuclear weapons should be willing to appease civs who have nuclear weapons at least to an extent.
*SDI in civ3 should be expensive, and it should never be 100% effective. Even civs with SDI should be at least somewhat detered by MAD. Anything higher than a 50% chance of intercepting all incoming nuclear weapons could break MAD, and thereby unbalance the game. Without MAD a civ with SDI could launch crippling nuclear strikes against its enemies without fear of reprisals.
Extra Features: These are features that are not needed to improve nuclear weapons, however if the resources were there, they could be nice little additions that would make civ3 that much better.
*Instead of producing pollution, nuclear weapons in civ3 could produce radiation. Radiation would prevent a square from being worked, it would damage units that moved through it by 5% and it would damage units that ended their turn in a radioactive square by 10%. Radiation should take twice as many turns to clean up as what pollution does.
*Actually add in the infamous red button.
*Instead of causing global warming, nuclear weapons could cause nuclear winter which could have dire consequences on food production around the world, as well as causing more radioactive squares to appear.
*Besides radiation, nuclear weapons should have the chance of transforming a tile into a desert square.
*In the diplomacy menu, implement treaties that deal directly with nuclear weapons. Like a nuclear nonproliferation treaty, an ABM treaty, a SALT or START treaty.
comments, suggestions, and feedback is welcomed, wanted, and needed
Preface: This Nuclear Model is a way to implement nuclear weapons into civ3 in a more fun, exciting, balanced, and realistic mannor than what was the case in civ2. Using the time tested mantra of keep it simple stupid, this Nuclear Model seeks to overhaul the civ2 with simple and elegent fixes.
Problems in Civ2: Civ2 had a number of flaws to its nuclear weapon implementation that rendered it unrealistic, unbalanced, and just generally in need of an upgrade. Here are the most serious problems found in the civ2 nuclear model.
*In civ2 nuclear weapons lacked both the range and the destructive power needed to simulate the destructive power of real nuclear weapons.
*In civ2 there was an inherent advantage to using nuclear weapons first, because of the turn based nature of civ2 a nuclear first strike was always 100% effective. This unbalanced nuclear weapons, and precipitated nuclear wars.
*The use of nuclear weapons in civ2 was fairly routine, which totally defies reality where nuclear weapons have only been used twice in anger.
*In civ2 an empire could launch a nuclear attack against a city, capture it with paratroops, and then the very next turn the population of that city would oftentimes have a "we love the president day" for the leader of the civ who just launched a nuclear attack on them. This completely defies reality.
*In civ2 no harsh diplomatic repercussions existed to curb the use of nuclear weapons.
*In civ2 nuclear weapons had no real role except that of a super siege weapon. This totally undermined the importance of the strategic aspect of nuclear weapons.
*In civ2 SDI made a city impervious to nuclear weapons. This unbalanced the game even more in favor of a nuclear first strike from the civ protected by SDI. Also SDI has never been deployed in real life, and might never be deployed because of the technical challanges that faces it, so it make it 100% effective seems quite absurd.
Proposals: In order to fix the civ2 nuclear model and make it worthy of civ3 the following solutions need to be implemented.
*Nuclear weapons need to be given the ability to strike targets anywhere on the map.
*Nuclear weapons need a major upgrade in damage. When a city is hit by a nuclear weapon it should take far greater than 50% causulties. The city should take at least 90% causulties and have have of it's buildings destroyed; that is if the city is not destroyed outright. All of the units and tile improvement in the surrounding square should also be destroyed by the blast.
*One of the most significant upgrade to the Nuclear Model should be that of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). That means when a nuclear missle gets launched at a civ, that civ should have an oppertunity to immeadiately retaliate. This in and of itself would mitigate the advantage of launching a first strike, and it would balance the power of the new more destructive nuclear weapons.
*Introducing MAD would have the positive effect of reducing the number of nuclear wars in civ3 while at the same time making them more destructive when they occured. This would bring the nuclear weapons in civ3 more into line with reality, while also introducing a natural and exciting arms race mentality.
*After being attacked by nuclear weapons a city should not be able to hold a "we love the president day" for at least ten years.
*Civ3 should introduce harsh diplomatic repercussions for using nuclear weapons. At the very least whenever a nuclear weapon is used it should significantly lower diplomatic relations with all civs not at war with the victim. It should also have at least a 50% chance of lowering diplomatic relations with all civs at war with the victim of the nuclear attack. Using nuclear weapons should always hurt a civ's reputation.
*In civ3 nuclear weapons should act as strategic weapons, and inspire fear (and possible loathing) in all other civs. Civs should try to avoid war (both conventional and nuclear) as much as possible with civs who have large nuclear arsenals. Also civs without nuclear weapons should be willing to appease civs who have nuclear weapons at least to an extent.
*SDI in civ3 should be expensive, and it should never be 100% effective. Even civs with SDI should be at least somewhat detered by MAD. Anything higher than a 50% chance of intercepting all incoming nuclear weapons could break MAD, and thereby unbalance the game. Without MAD a civ with SDI could launch crippling nuclear strikes against its enemies without fear of reprisals.
Extra Features: These are features that are not needed to improve nuclear weapons, however if the resources were there, they could be nice little additions that would make civ3 that much better.
*Instead of producing pollution, nuclear weapons in civ3 could produce radiation. Radiation would prevent a square from being worked, it would damage units that moved through it by 5% and it would damage units that ended their turn in a radioactive square by 10%. Radiation should take twice as many turns to clean up as what pollution does.
*Actually add in the infamous red button.
*Instead of causing global warming, nuclear weapons could cause nuclear winter which could have dire consequences on food production around the world, as well as causing more radioactive squares to appear.
*Besides radiation, nuclear weapons should have the chance of transforming a tile into a desert square.
*In the diplomacy menu, implement treaties that deal directly with nuclear weapons. Like a nuclear nonproliferation treaty, an ABM treaty, a SALT or START treaty.
comments, suggestions, and feedback is welcomed, wanted, and needed