In order to increase gameplay and replayability, many of the announced Civ aspects should have options to randomize them. Here are two that come to mind:
1) Randomize assignment of Civ-specific units
Instead of Civ-specific units being pre-destined for a certain Civ, it could be randomly assigned. Thus instead of the Romans being pre-destined to build Legions, it would not be known until that Civ develops Iron Working whether they also develop this expertise. For example, you are the Persians and you have just discovered Iron Working. During that same turn, a message could come up saying :
"With the discovery of Iron Working, our military experts have developed the ability to produce the unique, fearsome Legion units!"
Yes, I realize that perhaps a better solution might be using minor techs or wonders so that a Civ can consciously strive for that ability (just like for the Wonders now).
However, this "randomize Civ-specific units" is still better than the "pre-destined" implementation and if it exists I would definitely use Civ-specific units. (I would not now use them in the current "pre-destined" form.) Besides sometimes such expertise historically has been randomnly arrived at rather than consciously strived for! Easy to implement and vastly improves on the current pre-destined Civ-specific model.
2) Randomize assignment of AI personalities (at the beginning of the game and during the game)
Instead of the AI personalities being fixed and predictable for a particular leader throughout time, let's have a template of various personalities and let's have the option of randomly assigning these personalities to the various AI leaders. Its kind of stupid that I know that I need to go after the Russians early because I know ahead of time that Stalin is militaristic and expansionist. But if there were no way of knowing except in the course of monitoring their behaviour, then that is much better!
Furthermore, everytime an AI Civ changes govt types, it should randomly assign a new personality from the available templates. (which doesn't have to exclude the old personality).
This adds to gameplay because of added unpredictability!
The inclusion of these options would definitely improve gameplay and replayability and I hope that Firaxis has implemented them as they should be easy to include!
1) Randomize assignment of Civ-specific units
Instead of Civ-specific units being pre-destined for a certain Civ, it could be randomly assigned. Thus instead of the Romans being pre-destined to build Legions, it would not be known until that Civ develops Iron Working whether they also develop this expertise. For example, you are the Persians and you have just discovered Iron Working. During that same turn, a message could come up saying :
"With the discovery of Iron Working, our military experts have developed the ability to produce the unique, fearsome Legion units!"
Yes, I realize that perhaps a better solution might be using minor techs or wonders so that a Civ can consciously strive for that ability (just like for the Wonders now).
However, this "randomize Civ-specific units" is still better than the "pre-destined" implementation and if it exists I would definitely use Civ-specific units. (I would not now use them in the current "pre-destined" form.) Besides sometimes such expertise historically has been randomnly arrived at rather than consciously strived for! Easy to implement and vastly improves on the current pre-destined Civ-specific model.
2) Randomize assignment of AI personalities (at the beginning of the game and during the game)
Instead of the AI personalities being fixed and predictable for a particular leader throughout time, let's have a template of various personalities and let's have the option of randomly assigning these personalities to the various AI leaders. Its kind of stupid that I know that I need to go after the Russians early because I know ahead of time that Stalin is militaristic and expansionist. But if there were no way of knowing except in the course of monitoring their behaviour, then that is much better!
Furthermore, everytime an AI Civ changes govt types, it should randomly assign a new personality from the available templates. (which doesn't have to exclude the old personality).
This adds to gameplay because of added unpredictability!
The inclusion of these options would definitely improve gameplay and replayability and I hope that Firaxis has implemented them as they should be easy to include!
