I think it's still possible that Firaxis might be looking for some good MP ideas here. I know that there going to use the same basic concepts from the SP but they're probably trying to think of some ideas that would improve the level of fun for MP.
One idea that I have that would make MP better is to be able to give your units orders when it's not your turn. Your units would already have their orders by the time it becomes your turn. The units would then perform their orders during the turn. Having this would decrease the amount of time it takes for a players turn. You can still give orders during your turn if you didn't already give any orders. I know there needs to be some tweaking but the basic concept is good.
So let the ideas come rolling in. Oh yeah, please don't get this thread into a big discussion about simultaneous playing.
One idea that I have that would make MP better is to be able to give your units orders when it's not your turn. Your units would already have their orders by the time it becomes your turn. The units would then perform their orders during the turn. Having this would decrease the amount of time it takes for a players turn. You can still give orders during your turn if you didn't already give any orders. I know there needs to be some tweaking but the basic concept is good.
So let the ideas come rolling in. Oh yeah, please don't get this thread into a big discussion about simultaneous playing.