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The People's Support

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  • The People's Support

    If someone fights in a land controlled by no one (according to their borders) then no one should receive a bonus, however if someone fights in their own lands (their borders) they should receive a bonus because they have 'the people's' support.
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  • #2
    I think that would be normal to fight better in their home country...I'm not much into sport (To be hornest I hate sport in TV), but isn't it the same there too, like soccer players play best at the home stadium?
    This space is empty... or is it?


    • #3
      yep, now with the new cultural system, your borders represent people actually living in the country side, outside your cities. so there definiately should be a "home arena" sort of bonus.

      this should on the other hand depend on how densely populated your country side is.

