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At first, this was great, but now it is just sad.

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  • At first, this was great, but now it is just sad.

    The never ending stream of suggestions that are found posted here DAILY was a very entertaining and valuable- valuable in oh so many ways- source of information for Firaxis while they started production of their upcoming CivIII game. But now when I come here, seeing what is the latest news and coolest 'ideas' for Civ, I can't help but think: what is this? The game is probably less than half a year from being released, and yet, like some last stand at Masada, so many of us still post ideas/suggestions here, perhaps in some desperate wish that their 'original' CivIII feature will be imortalized by being included with the game's release. I hate to tell you people, but this is just SAD.

    Am I in a bad mood today? YES!

    But maybe that is what it takes to make me realize that this forum, which has more posts in it than all the other Apolyton forums save the ever wimsical Off-Topic forum, has far outlived it's usefulness. Now, I know just how much fun it is to think of 'what-ifs?' for games like Civ, AC, etc., but still, hasn't this whole thing just become rediculous? The answer is yes.

    To pretty much validate my point- when was the last time a Firaxis representative (Mark G doesn't count) really took to heart anything that has been said here?

  • #2
    There's always Civ4...
    12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
    Stadtluft Macht Frei
    Killing it is the new killing it
    Ultima Ratio Regum


    • #3
      The simplicity of your response tends to negate my point.... in some way, I suppose.

      I'll have to think about that.


      • #4
        And there might be addons.

        It's never to late to suggest something.
        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


        • #5
          I read an interview with Brian REynolds a while back on IGN (but don't quote me on that) that said when they were doing Colonization they were making major changes up to the last minute before it shipped, he gives the example of making the city radius smaller, at Sid's request. But he said that this was a major lesson learned for him because he realized no part of the game was firmly set in stone or finished until the project shipped. I'm sure that would apply for Civ3 as well, even though BR's no longer w/ Firaxis


          • #6
            Ok, so what you are saying is that if Sid Meier was to post a suggestion here, in this forum, and Brian Reynolds read it, and still worked at Firaxis, then a change would be made to CivIII?

            Maybe my point is a little thin; but then again, so is yours!


            • #7
              i'm sure atleast half the people here understand their ideas wont add up to **** but people like stating what they think... and this is a popular topic where people can say how theyd do it..


              • #8
                I'll agree that the ideas here are excessive, but what can you really do about it?

                Wait! I know! Ignore them!


                • #9
                  Ummm, just a few days ago Firaxis responded to a concern about map size. Or do you actually skip the contents?
                  I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                  "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                  • #10
                    Why can't you think of this as a chew-the-fat brainstorming forum for Civ x? Also developers of other civ games also lurk around in this forum, and they might use some of these suggestions. Youngsun and I was tossing around ideas about a unit workshop, which itself didn't get into Civ 3, but Ron and Mark seemed interested.
                    (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                    (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                    (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                    • #11
                      These are great ideas to implement in Civ IV.

                      Also, these ideas are good ones for people to include in Civ Mods.

                      I don't see what your #*@#*#* problem is, but this is the most active and changing part of Apolyton Civ Site (despite the fact that ideas are always reworked)

                      I have posted nearly every day here since August 2000 and this part of the forum is the most filled with good ideas.

                      People look for PRAISE and RECOGNITON and through this forum they HAVE it.

                      if you don't like it, IGNORE it.
                      -->Visit CGN!
                      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DarkCloud
                        I have posted nearly every day here since August 2000 and this part of the forum is the most filled with good ideas.
                        One thing I like with Apolyton is the relative high degree getting several replies on each post.

                        By comparison, you can visit forums that - on one end of the scale - really is in a half coma-state (several days, sometimes even weeks, before anyone posts anything at all). On the other end of the scale, you can find (often driving-games) forums, there half of all the new thread-posts never gets replies (or maybe only one), and the other half only gets 2-3, max 5-6 replies. It simply goes too fast.

                        Neither of above is fun. The only thing I dont like with Apolyton, is that it seems more slow and unreliable now, since the bulletin-update.


                        • #13
                          OK, one at a time:

                          ancient- good, I agree with you. If that is what people like to do (spurting out ideas that won't amount to much) then this is definately the place to do it. And, consequently, I have done so here myself.

                          yin26- I guess that the excessive amounts of posting here makes it almost impossible for anyone not to be overwhelmed with the task of sorting through the jibberish just to find the really important stuff. Hmm, and I wonder what that could be?

                          Urban Ranger- Unit workshop is not an original idea to Sid Meier (see Alpha Centauri). You may have missed my point about the fact that almost every bit of bandwidth that is wasted here is done so in stating ideas that Firaxis has already considered, implemented, or thrown out.

                          DarkCloud- if you don't like my post, then just IGNORE it. (and mind the language, the kiddies might be reading)

                          Ralf- thanx for the input, but your post is mostly irrelevant to this conversation. You are basically admonishing the whole of Apolyton for it's activeness, and complaining about the unreliability of the new software upgrade. ??

                          Sabre2th- Yes, that is one possible answer to your question. Another is the thread you are now posting on! (cool name btw)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Anunikoba
                            Ralf- thanx for the input, but your post is mostly irrelevant to this conversation.
                            Your topic is about the "The never ending stream of suggestions that are found posted here DAILY....". And, the fact that you think its SAD, at this late stage of the Civ-3 development. (although you still choose to hang around, though).

                            Is it then totally out of the blue, to post a reply about "The never ending stream of suggestions that are found posted here DAILY...."? Is it really that irrelevant?

                            You are basically admonishing the whole of Apolyton for it's activeness, and complaining about the unreliability of the new software upgrade. ??
                            "admonishing"?? What do you mean? Are you sure that you didnt misunderstood my reply?

                            DarkCloud- if you don't like my post, then just IGNORE it.
                            Well, you dont ignore the replies that you think is "irrelevant" or "wrong" do you?
                            Last edited by Ralf; June 30, 2001, 14:13.


                            • #15
                              First of all, I don't think that people are posting their ideas about Civ3 hoping that those ideas could still be implemented in the game. We all know that the game is nearing completion, so it would be silly to post ideas wondering that Civ3 could bring to us all a complete collection of all the most brilliant and interesting ideas posted here at the forums.

                              Nevertheless, one thing that strucks me as evident is that people are actively discussing their favourite game... some of these ideas, although not implemented, make for a good reading, both as strategic material concerning an empire-building game, and as source material to confront the actual game with the ideas that could have been implemented.

                              Not all ideas are interesting but, alas, that's the price you pay for having freedom of expression...

                              And there's always Civ4, as KrazyHorse pointed out...
                              I watched you fall. I think I pushed.

