It is confirmed that barbarians will have their own cities. However, it would be good if over time, some barbarians cities can transform into a full fledge civilization. In order for them to have a viable start, they should inherit all of the techs of their neighboring Civs and have some of their military units convert to settlers so they could start a few cities right away.
This idea, combined with the birth of new Civs from older Civs through revolts (discussed a couple of other threads) will then make Civ3 as historically realistic as possible and permit Civ3 to simulate the "rise and fall of nations" phenomenon well.
This idea, combined with the birth of new Civs from older Civs through revolts (discussed a couple of other threads) will then make Civ3 as historically realistic as possible and permit Civ3 to simulate the "rise and fall of nations" phenomenon well.