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New Images I never saw, makes me want this game more

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Lord_Davinator

    hehehe nice of you to say so but the truth is to get an original copy I'd probably have to spend 800 bucks on a plane ticket. now you up to it?

    and hell you even get those funky manuals and posters for a few extra bucks... don't blame me... blame the economy....

    Let's see, where you live there are:

    Printing machines for manuals,
    Top-notch copy machines for the posters,
    A thriving piracy-market that supplies all the latest games,
    The latest computers to play these games on,
    And internet connections to tell us all of this.

    And yet there's no way at all that you can get a legal copy? Come on, that is either utter Yaksh*t or the best explanation I've ever read for the reason that some countries fail to develop a half-decent economy.
    Hasdrubal's Home.
    Ceterum censeo Romam esse delendam.


    • #17
      well pirated copies are a great way to erradicate abysmal games. you buy it, try it, it inevitably has bugs and you cannot patch it unless it is original (that is, not copy protected) and if the game is good you nevertheless go and buy the original.

      still, i do not think that anyone who buys a pirated copy can be considered a true civ fan. if we want a first class product we shall be prepared to pay for it.

      i must admit my civ1 was a pirate ( no way i could buy the copy legally, believe me, i simply had no channels), civ2 i already could so i did buy a proper one and never regretted it. i will buy civ3 as soon as it is out. for all the fun i got out of the civ 1 and 2, a humble total of 80 USD over 6 years is really not that much.

      N.B. pirates do not print manuals. also, it may be kind of a hassle to send money orders from nepal, you know, not all the people happen to have credit or even cash cards....


      • #18
        Well that is the real truth

        You don't get a whisp of it.

        To tell you the truth the pirated things come from india or china... they don't make them here....the india pirates are better than the chinese ones cause the CD's are more reliable. hehehe

        Oh and the originals don't get here cause I happen to be one of the fortunate people in my country. The internet connection is only in this city mind you and if you had to use it you'd probably go mad... takes ages to load this site itself...

        thank you silver stars for no human rights movement in the early part of this century.... for the economy
        Without music life would be a mistake - Nietzsche
        So you think you can tell heaven from hell?
        rocking on everest


        • #19
          i know


          • #20
            Geeee at least someone understands... thumbs up for LaRusso

            And I forgot to tell you that I did buy an original copy of civ2....had my dad buy it for me when he went to india a good 2-3 years ago I think... but guess what he bought me the civ2 senario CD hehehehee

            Imagine me.... I got a CD of Civ2 but can't play the game...

            had to wait 2 months before they got the pirated one out... and I got fanastic worlds, scenario and the original all in one.

            Oh and they really take some time getting stratagy games out... quake was out like in a week it was released... ctp2 got here only about a couple of weeks ago.

            mummble jummble wonder how long it will take civ...
            Without music life would be a mistake - Nietzsche
            So you think you can tell heaven from hell?
            rocking on everest


            • #21
              Hm, well I usually go to the US on business in November/December, so if they do not get it out by then I will either
              a) have to order it through the Net and get my pitiful bank account robbed by cyberthiefs, wait 1 month for shipping, etc....
              b) buy a pirated one (they are usually out in a week) - definitely NOT
              c) wait until someone smartens up and distributes it in Hungary (they are really slow, EU is still not out)


              • #22
                Well, you at least are in Europe.

                Here in Argentina, it will probably arrive earlier if they set the box drifting through the ocean than if i wait till it is released here.

                And even then it is bound to cost around 100 bucks...

                (I remember that my brother bought War 2 for 113 bucks about 6 years ago )
                Indifference is Bliss

