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Type Of AI Civilizations

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  • #16
    And add judgement to that, not even the most warmongering civ is going to fight a hopeless war unless they have to.
    It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars


    • #17
      The traits could rotate and the enemy could use them when the player least expects it...
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      • #18
        Originally posted by DarkCloud
        The Computer would take 1 trait from column a,b, and c OR not take a trait from two of the columns and merely have 1 main trait.

        This will allow for more variety in Civ III

        The Types of Traits:

        Expansionist- Builds Lots of Cities
        Perfectionist- Build Up Cities
        Agressor- Conquer Cities
        Diplomat- Trades a lot and uses diplomacy

        Militarist- Build Army
        Defender- Builds Defense
        Unconventional- Builds Spies, etc.
        Founder- Builds Settlers

        Easily Angered- Easily Angered in Negotiations
        Forgiving- Forgives wars easily
        Unforgiving- holds grudges against other civs
        Backstabber- attacks allies
        I feel that some of the catagories and choices should change because some of the matchs don't make all that much sense, and the choices aren't mutually exclusive. For example Agressor-Founder doesn't make much sense since you can't conquer cities with settlers. Diplomat-Easily Angered Agressor-Defense etc.. There are also some that see as natural matches where the other matches seem wiered Agressor-Militarist Expansionist-Founder etc... Also The gruges and backstabbing shouldn't affect how easily they are angered in negotiations.

        Here are some revised catagories:

        1. Outgowing willing to enter alliances quickly, willing to enter lots of diplomatic afairs.
        2. Cautious - will be traditionaly carefull about entering into alliances, but will enter if enough trust is presented.
        3. Isolationist - Wants to stay out of foreign dealings. Try to remain neutral.

        Military vs Domestic building priorities

        1. Foucus on Military
        2. Equal Foucus
        3. Foucus on domestic improvements


        1. Agressive - the slightest provocation/oppurtunity can trigger some retaliation be it informs of trade embargo, war, etc
        2. Self Interest - will only get involoved if it is in the direct self interest, or for a close ally
        3. Defensive - mainly only enter if their threatend


        1. Grudgemaster - will hold grudges for ever, will not forgive even if they are now being killed by comon enemy.

        2. Middle - Will hold grudges for serious things, but will forgive when he has a lot to gain from it

        3. Live for the Day - Will hold only minor grudges for serious actions, mainly interested in getting a good deal

        Any feedback would be most welcome. I hope that it solved some of the problems that I mentioned


        • #19
          That seems like a reasonable solution.
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          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

