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Firaxis, will we be able to ADD custom civs to the built-in 16 and PLAY them in game?

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  • Firaxis, will we be able to ADD custom civs to the built-in 16 and PLAY them in game? looks like there will be ONLY 16 built in Civs to choose from.

    And it looks like we might be able to play up to 16 civs in a single game.

    Now, for the BIG question:

    Firaxis, will we be able to ADD our OWN custom civs to the built-in 16 and choose to play with them JUST LIKE the built-in 16?

    If so, then this is the game of my dreams.

    If not, will you be coming out with expanson Civ packs later to ADD to the built-in 16 more playable civs (because having only 16 civs with no ability to add custom civs ourselves will leave a lot of GREAT CIVS out of the game)?
    My most wanted Civ III civ which was missing from Civ II: the ARABS!

  • #2
    I thought that they said already somewhere that civs will be editable, and that we will be able to change (I presume and create) the civs. I am certain it would be continuation of civ2 legacy,and I couldn't imagine that the game would ship without such options.
    Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
    GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


    • #3
      The key point is whether adding a custom civ will require you to remove a default civ to make room. If not, hallelujah, someone with the patience of a saint can create 48 custom civs and play 64 player games if they are crazy enough to want to. This could even be a way of players introducing minor civs if they are set up as insular, cowardly, perfectionist, not to expand beyond 2 cities.

      After a couple of normal games I will certainly be eager to create the Scottish Civ. I don't want to have to pick a default civ to remove from the game just so William Wallace can inflict righteous vengeance on the dastardly English!
      To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Grumbold
        The key point is whether adding a custom civ will require you to remove a default civ to make room.
        Exactly! Hence my emphasis on ADD.

        Replacement is not good enough. No one wants to have to remove a built-in civ to add a custom civ.

        Please, Firaxis, let us be able to ADD CUSTOM CIVS to the 16 built-in civs and PLAY them in a regular game if we choose!

        If you fail to do this, having only 16 playable civs max will be a severe let down. That is a STEP BACKWARD from Civ II's 21, after all.

        Please, don't limit us to only the built-in 16! Pretty please?
        My most wanted Civ III civ which was missing from Civ II: the ARABS!


        • #5
          I do really hope it will be possible to plug in new civs into the game, and hopefully play with all the new also.

          If it of some reason is impossible to play with more then 16 civs, there should then be a menu to choose between all civs. After that choose AI-civs (Random should be an option)
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • #6
            Hey, Firaxis, how come you'll answer other's questions here but not mine? This is an IMPORTANT question about a CRITICAL feature which will MAKE or BREAK your Civ III! LOL. So, I beg you, ANSWER US!

            My most wanted Civ III civ which was missing from Civ II: the ARABS!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Arator
              Hey, Firaxis, how come you'll answer other's questions here but not mine? This is an IMPORTANT question about a CRITICAL feature which will MAKE or BREAK your Civ III! LOL. So, I beg you, ANSWER US!

              They may want save some goodies for GameUpdates on the official site.
              Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


              • #8
                or maybe the been too busy lately
                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                • #9
                  Bump for an answer!
                  My most wanted Civ III civ which was missing from Civ II: the ARABS!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Grumbold
                    After a couple of normal games I will certainly be eager to create the Scottish Civ. I don't want to have to pick a default civ to remove from the game just so William Wallace can inflict righteous vengeance on the dastardly English!
                    Exactly. In fact, I wouldn't mind too much if Firaxis made William Wallace a built-in leader of the built-in Celt Civ. LOL.

                    And if they don't, I want to ADD it as a CUSTOM CIV and PLAY with it. both in a regular NON-SCENARIO game and MULTIPLAYER!

                    So, what say you, Firaxis?
                    My most wanted Civ III civ which was missing from Civ II: the ARABS!


                    • #11
                      quoted by Firaxis Official Civ3 Website
                      We're committed to the scenario/mod community, and we realize that the ability to create diverse, interesting scenarios is one of the major reasons for Civilization II's enduring popularity. To that end, we'll be developing extensive tools for scenario and mod creators to use which will allow them to create whatever they can think of. Flexibility is the order of the day.
                      There was a faction editor in SMAX, why would they leave out the feature in Civ3, given the above statement, I feel that the civ editor will be even more capable in Civ3


                      • #12
                        Bump for an answer!
                        My most wanted Civ III civ which was missing from Civ II: the ARABS!

