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Slaves and Gods

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  • Slaves and Gods

    I know CTP rudimently covered slaves and religion by adding televangelists, clerics, and slavemen. Personally, I think they all could have been handeled better. Have we heard whether Civ 3 is going to include or add onto these concepts.

    Crusaders without religion just don't pack a punch. Nor does a proclamation without emancipation.
    Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. And perhaps everyone else, too.

  • #2
    I think religion is definet++++out
    but slaves are a possibility
    And God said "let there be light." And there was dark. And God said "Damn, I hate it when that happens." - Admiral


    • #3
      As far as I know, religion and slavery will not be implemented in Civilization 3. Religion is a big part of culture in the real world, so it will be a part of culture in civilization 3, but not specified.
      We shall go on till the end,
      We shall fight in France,
      We shall fight on the seas and oceans,
      We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air,
      We shall defend our island,
      Whatever the cost may be,
      We shall fight on the beaches,
      We shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
      We shall fight in the hills,
      We shall NEVER surrender.

      (Winston Churchill)


      • #4
        It has been said that Workers can be captured. This may be some sort of slavery.
        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


        • #5
          Originally posted by vgriph
          It has been said that Workers can be captured. This may be some sort of slavery.
          Jeffrey Morris FIRAXIS have confirmed it - read below (my underlining):

          "Workers are increasingly becoming mobile "population points", and building colonies is one of their more spectacular abilities. Unlike terrain improvements, colonies consume the worker, much like a city consumes the settler. You don't get the worker back if your territory merges with the colony (the editors will probably allow this to be customized). Workers can also be merged with cities, captured if unattended, and even traded with your neighbors. In this game you need to defend your TERRITORY, not just your cities, or you will be swiftly punished. I find myself building hillside fortresses more in this game than Civ2/SMAC et al. One advanage of this terrain improvement is the zone of control it gives units normally without one (read: most ancient and middle ages units). But it's their ability to protect vital trade roads, colonies, and goods that makes them invaluable.



          • #6
            Ralf, you are always filling in my posts with facts.
            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


            • #7
              What can he say? he's obsessed (just like me)

              All i can say is, that when i see the elephant, i clean my glasses and buckle down to read what seems to be an online novel.
              And God said "let there be light." And there was dark. And God said "Damn, I hate it when that happens." - Admiral

